Chapter Nine

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When was the last time you were furious? Uncontrollably enraged and pissed off beyond reason? Maybe your best friend stole your boyfriend, someone copied your test without permission, your neighbor's dog ruined your lawn... The list continues. In my case, the sluttiest of all blonde vampires has her tongue stuck down the guy I like's throat. It takes every ounce of willpower and self control not to kick Caroline's flat ass back to Mystic Falls.

Klaus finally breaks apart after one tortured minute of kissing her. He barely looks at me and doesn't even offer an apology. All the anger and jealousy consuming me leaves me speechless and standing there pathetically. I want to scream at Klaus to introduce me as his girlfriend to Caroline. But he never does.

Elijah, as if sensing my pain, suddenly puts a hand on my shoulder. "Come with me," he murmurs into my ear. I don't look at Klaus when I push by him, following Elijah into the house.

Once we're in the living room away from prying ears, I start ranting. "She thinks she can just invite herself to New Orleans and throw herself onto my-"

"Your what, Hayley? What is Klaus to you? Did he even profess his love to you or give a title to your relationship with him?" Elijah snaps. He continues," Now you feel the pain I felt when I see you in my brothers arms."

"Elijah, I'm sorry I broke your heart. But I can't say I'm sorry I chose Klaus. You're not in love with me. You're in love of the idea of having something your brother wants. I'm not a toy Elijah. And I would appreciate you being my friend."

His face softens and he hangs his head. "You're right. I'm sorry. I'm done. I can't treat you like this anymore. I would be honored to be your friend. And to be honest, I met someone."

I can barely contain my amazement and excitement. "Who? Don't tell me it's Kristine."

"Kristine is rather a wonderful girl but no. When the time is right, I'll tell you."

"Take your time, Elijah. I'm sure whoever she is, she's lucky as hell to have a guy like you."

We exchange warm smiles, and he pulls me into a brotherly hug. "Here's advice. Since you're not officially dating Klaus and he's not very good at relationships, don't kill him for kissing Caroline. She was his first true love. It takes time to get over a love like that. The kiss probably means nothing. Give Klaus a chance to apologize."

"I'm going to stay with Hope. I can't face Caroline and Klaus right now. I'm too embarrassed and it was really childish and stupid of me to walk out like that. Do me a favor and if anyone asks where I am, say I'm busy."

Elijah nods and agrees to my request. He joins the others downstairs, and I go to the baby's room. Hope is playing in her crib with the ridiculous amount of toys Rebekah has brought for her surrounding her.

I take Hope in my arms and spin her around. I play with my baby girl for a while, cherishing every moment I spend with her in my arms. She's growing chubbier, her hair is longer, and she's an inch taller than yesterday. Wisps of brown hair cover her small head. Rebekah dressed her in pink pajamas and slippers. She's completing all the motherly duties I should be doing. Most irresponsible mother of the year goes to me.

As I twirl her in the air and she giggles, someone knocks on the door. I hold her to my chest and turn to the visitor. It's Caroline. She's studying Hope and I with a strange expression.

She's pretty with her short blonde hair, tall, slender figure, and those big innocent eyes of hers. And Klaus sports a weakness for blondes of course.

"Imagine my surprise when I found out you had a night of wild sex with Klaus. Triple that surprise when I found out you and Klaus are parents of a beautiful baby daughter named Hope. I came here hoping to start a relationship with him, to forgive and love him. Hayley, I'm sorry for kissing him. I sense something between you two. But I'm not sorry for going after Klaus."

"Caroline, you never struck me as the homewrecker type. But it seems your desperation to have the attention of a guy has reached a new low."

She rolls her eyes and steps toward Hope. "She looks like you but has her fathers eyes. What you're holding is the only thing keeping Klaus from pursuing a relationship with me."

"Maybe if you keep telling that to yourself, you'll believe it. But you're not fooling anyone, most of all me, with your bullshit. I'm sorry Tyler wants nothing to do with you but hate to break it to you, neither does Klaus. Pack your bags and leave."

Caroline offers me one last glare and leaves. She trips over one of Hope's toys before exiting haughtily. I shake my head and lay a napping Hope onto her crib. Vampires are so dramatic.

Someone knocks on the door. Without looking over, I snap," Caroline, I said to leave."

"First time someone mistook me for a girl."

I whirl around and laugh when I see it's Klaus. "Sorry."

"Don't be. I heard your conversation with her. I'm a terrible snooper."

"Didn't your mom ever tell you not to eavesdrop." I regret saying that because I remember Klaus had a rocky relationship with Esther.

He doesn't notice my discomfort and chuckles instead. "My apologies. Listen, when Caroline kissed me, I was confused. The feelings for her had returned for a split second. I loved her and a love like that is irreplaceable."

I try not to cry out of disappoint and nod quietly instead.

"But then I realized it can be replaced. You replaced her. I love you Hayley."

He steps closer and kisses me, his mouth warm and sweet.

"Can't she leave?" I mumble into his chest.

His hands caress my hair. "Love, if it makes you happy, I'd do it in a second. But she's still a good friend, and I can't."


He silences me with passionate kisses. Soon, our clothes are almost completely off, and he has me against the wall, gently sucking on my neck. Our moment is broken when there's a tentative knock on the door.

"Get dressed. Davina's here. And she has a secret to spill. I'm guessing it's about the Mikael matter. Come downstairs when you two are done sucking face."

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