Chapter Twenty

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Sometimes being alone isn't that bad.

I'm shrouded in the darkness inside my room. The blankets are pulled over me and only my tangled mess of hair peeks out from the pile of pillows. I can hear the voices flooding in through the walls but I don't want to join them.

The past few days have been hectic. Problem after problem sprout out from everywhere. Once a conflict is resolved, another is born from under it. I have to deal with my crazy future mother-in-law, protect my baby, take care of Klaus, and defeat a power-hungry wolf pack trespassing my pack's borders.

I don't blame myself for hiding in my bed all day. Sometimes it's easier to pretend the problems are gone. To be worry-free. Relaxed. Peaceful. I guess my biggest problem of all is facing reality.

I tune out the loud voices coming from downstairs and concentrate on the soft snores flooding in from Hope's room. I smile at the sound of my baby safely and soundly sleeping in her crib. She's my world. I'd rather face a million predicaments and my worst enemies because of her than not have her in my life at all. The pain of losing her will kill me.

My door opens and golden light fills my empty room. I sit up and glance at the intruder. It's only Klaus and I give him a tired smile. He's clad in black boxers and I can't help but rake my eyes through his bare, chiseled chest. He notices me staring and smirks.

"I was wondering where you were, little wolf."

I rub my eyes drowsily. "Taking the longest nap of my life. It feels like hours since I last slept. And I think I like everything better in my dreams. No Esther, no Kristine. I want to just run away and forget all this."

"It's not good to avoid your problems. You're going to have to face them sooner or later. When are you meeting with Kristine's pack's leader?" Klaus sits down at the edge of my bed. His fingers play with my hair and I close my eyes at his relaxing touch.

"Kristine called me an hour ago. She said her leader agreed. His name is Marcus. He's meeting us here tonight to listen to what I have to say. I can't believe he thinks of a barely one year old baby as a threat."

"Think about it Hayley. Two hybrid parents and one tribid daughter. Any wolf pack would be envious and threatened by the power you hold in your pack. Not to mention the curse has been lifted and your wolves are stronger than ever. You and Jackson have strong bloodlines that only further makes you a bigger powerhouse."

I understand why this Marcus person has a vendetta against my child but I still groan loudly. "I never asked for this! Why can't everyone just chill out?"

Klaus laughs and kisses my forehead. "I never asked for anything that's happened in my life either. But ever since you came along, everything just doesn't seem that bad anymore. And I would love to take your mind off all of this." His mouth hovers over mine.

My throat tightens at this words. I caress his cheek with my fingers lightly. His words turn me into an emotional mush. He's too perfect in my eyes.

All my life I've heard Klaus is a monster. A demon. But from what he's been through and endured for the past centuries, I never resent any decisions he's made or hate him for what he's done. I love him for who he is and what he has become. I would never be as strong as I am right now without him. He's my savior. He's my angel.

We kiss passionately, the fire inside of me surging through my body again. It's like a mini fireworks in my mouth whenever he bites my lower lip and slides his tongue in. He straddles me, our legs intertwining, and the blanket slides down my chest.

We pull apart, breathing heavily. Kissing him takes up so much energy and leaves me breathless and wanting more. His fingers travel down my body once more and slip inside my lacy underwear.

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