Chapter Fifteen

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"Wake up, sleeping beauty."

I open my eyes drowsily. Klaus' face leans over mine and he smiles widely. I smile back and sit up, the covers dropping to reveal my bare chest. Flashbacks of last night flood my head and I almost grow embarrassed at how incredibly loud and desperate I must've been.

"How are you?" I ask Klaus. He's still under the covers, his arms behind his head on his pillow. He's staring up at the ceiling with a content expression.

"Better. When I'm with you, the pain seems to disappear."

"Well I'm incredibly honored." And I lean down to engage in a long morning kiss with my boyfriend.

I get off the bed and slide his shirt over my head. It's big on me and smells like him. I bury my head in the cloth and inhale the wonderful scent. He chuckles at me.

"I'm going downstairs. I'm pretty sore and I need to stretch out."

He nods before closing his eyes to go back to sleep. After I check Hope's room and make sure she's okay, I walk down the stairs quietly. Rebekah is seated on the dining table texting. I join her and she looks up at me and gives me a horrified expression.

"You and Klaus had a pretty terrible night," Rebekah whispers with a concerned tone.

I give Rebekh a confused look. "Terrible night?"

"I heard you guys screaming and banging the walls for almost eight hours."

Blushing, I look down at the table. "Actually we were having sex. I didn't realize we were so loud... and apparently violent."

Rebekah bursts out laughing. "Holy shit, that must've been quite a night!"

Kristine walks into the kitchen and notices Rebekah enjoying herself at my discomfort. She walks over to our dinner table and takes a seat. She nudges Rebekah and asks," What happened?"

"Remember the outrageously loud noises we heard in Hayley's room? That was my brother plowing Hayley," Rebekah snickers smugly. I throw a cashew at her from mixed nuts dish.

Kristine throws back her head and laughs even louder than Rebekah. "Damn, you guys were going at it for the entire night!"

I smile and lean toward them. "Well, hybrids have incredible stamina." Elijah at that moment strolls into the kitchen in his usual suit and tie. He grins at Rebekah and Kristine who are laughing at my expense.

"Am I missing something?" He asks me, confused.

"Don't worry about it," I tell him. It would be awkward telling Elijah the real reason my friends are laughing over. I have that feeling Elijah isn't entirely over his lingering feelings for me. And telling him about my sexual experiences with Klaus won't help the matter.

"So how did Davina manage?" I question, changing the subject.

"Mikael is in Hell- again."

"She must be exhausted from performing such a big spell."

"As a matter of fact, she fainted after the spell was accomplished and she's currently resting in the guest room."

"When she wakes up, I want to ask her to perform a locater spell if Esther is still roaming New Orleans," I tell Elijah who frowns at my suggestion.

"Rebekah and I are fine with the idea. We want to see our mother gone as well. But talk to Klaus with it and get his approval. He's most sensitive about these parental issues."

Rebekah groans loudly. "Forget Esther! I'm so bloody tired of these problems arising every few seconds! Let's throw a party because I'm missing out on the excitement." Kristine seems to agree with this plan whole heartedly.

"Yes! Elijah please let us throw a party," Kristine begs, placing a hand on his arm. Elijah turns pinkish at her touch and nods reluctantly.

Rebekah squeals in delight and claps her hand together. "Great! I'm going to organize a social gathering for the supernaturals and of course the human faction. It's going to celebrate the end of Mikael."

"Don't use our father's end as an excuse to get drunk and hook up with unsuspecting vampires in hopes to make Marcel jealous," Klaus smirks, entering the kitchen and sipping a chalice full of fresh blood. His lips are stained ruby red, and his skin looks glowing. Sex seems to transform him. He takes a seat next to him and puts a hand on my thigh. I smile at him and kiss him on the lips.

"Get a room," Kristine groans.

Rebekah, clearly offended, says," Hayley wants to have a party as well right?" She gives me a threatening look that clearly reads that if I don't agree, she'll dagger me.

I nod and say yes. Klaus sigh," I can't refuse my little wolf's wish. Leave me out of this arrangement. I have work to do."

He leaves a room full of squealing girls and an uncomfortable Elijah. I guess a party in the French Quarter won't be so bad after all.

[apologizing for the short chapter but next update will include the party and more Klayley scenes]

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