Chapter Three

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Imagine getting a letter from a long lost relative. Or seeing your best friend after three years. The surge of relief, confusion, anxiousness, and longing that consumes your body. That's how I felt when I saw Kristine Labonair. She's gorgeous with long, unruly, brown locks and small, grey eyes. She's short and thin, not acquiring the athletic lithe bodies most werewolves have. She seems to be around my age, but looks can be deceiving.

The bayou is deserted except for Jackson whose gazing at Kristine in amazement. They're sitting rigidly on the log bench near the fire. I come closer, and Jackson spots me, immediately sitting up. "It's her." He points at me.

Kristine's eyes rake my body, drinking in my appearance. Her eyes widen, and she bounds up to envelope me in a tight hug. "I've missed you so much, Andrea," she whispers and buries her face in my hair.

"Who are you?"

She pulls away, an offended look crossing her face. "Don't remember me?"

"No, as far as I know, all the Labonairs are dead."

"Well... I guess your parents did hate me after all."

"My parents?" What did they have anything to do with this odd girl claiming to know me?

"I guess I wasn't written in the family tree. I'm your cousin. Actually, my real father wasn't a descendant from your bloodline. My mother, your mom's sister, was married previously to another werewolf. Apparently, everyone hated my father including my mom, since she left him for my stepfather. I'm a bastard child. I was seen as a curse, a token of my mother's past mistakes. I left the clan when you were still a baby. I was six. I ran away to my father."

"Do you expect me to believe this sob story?" I'm still suspicious. Anyone can claim to be Labonair and string a tragic tale.

She tugs down her shoulder to expose the birthmark. It's exactly as mine. My eyes soften,and I touch her shoulder comfortingly. "Sorry I doubted you. But why did you come now? We were overthrown by vampires years ago. Your mother perished in the battle. The wolves left are thriving here, but we're not as strong as the other factions in New Orleans. There's nothing here for you."

Kristine shakes her head."There is something for me here. A family. My dad died five months ago. He was attacked by a vampire in Northern Louisiana. He ripped my dad's heart out. Figuratively and literally. Tragic love story really. Then I staked the guy. Somehow I ended up here."

"Is it selfish of me to say I'm glad you ended up here?" I say softly, and she gives me a beaming smile. 

"Of course not. I'm so happy to see you. You've grown up quite well from a chubby baby." 

"I'm glad I meet your expectations. Seriously, if there's anything you need, tell me." 

Jackson cuts in. "I offered her a place here. She can reside in the bayou as long as she wants." 

I smile and squeeze his shoulder. "Thanks." 

Kristine gestures to both of us. "Are you guys, like, dating?" 

Jackson blushes, and I shake my head. "No, Jackson and I are just good friends."

He looks at my stomach and comments,"I can't tell you were even pregnant." 

"Yeah, it feels amazing to fit back into my old clothes," I laugh. 

Kristine's face morphs into shock. "You're married?" she squeals. 

"No... I was actually knocked up from a one night stand," I admit. 

"Are you with the father?" 

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