Chapter Eighteen

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One thing Klaus and I bond over is the fact we never had parents.

In my opinion, parents aren't the people who gave birth to you. You have to earn the right and the title to be someone's parents through unconditional love and putting your child's needs before yours. Therefore, it's safe to say Klaus and I never had parents.

I don't remember my real parents. At all. Yes I see flashbacks here and there but now their memories are wispy and hazy. I feel as if I'm making up their faces in my mind. The man and woman who adopted me are cruel people. They are the reason why I keep running away and never find a place to call home. I can't call them parents either. However, compared to Klaus' childhood, I shouldn't complain.

Klaus and I both know that we have to be the best parents to Hope. Give her the childhood we never had. And in making sure she deserves the life every child should, we have to find Esther and kill her- again.

There's no doubt what Esther's intentions are. She's probably furious her children tried to imprison her. Since she's in the same league as Mikael, she's hell bent on tearing my family apart. Keeping Hope safe is the number one priority.

"Kristen, take Hope to the bayou. Esther won't dare step foot in werewolf territory. Jackson has werewolf scouts bordering the perimeter of the bayou. Esther won't manage to survive there. Elijah, go with Kristen and make sure nothing harms Hope," I order them.

Everyone is seated on the dining table together with grim faces discussing the Esther matter. A tracker spell has been performed but failed miserably. Obviously Esther cloaked herself and is therefore immune to tracking. We've sent our vampire and wolf hunts but the scent always disappears at some point like she vanished from the face of earth at that exact spot.

"You trust me with your baby?" Esther asks, her eyes huge with shock. She squeezes my hand, touched by my trust. "I'll take care of her don't worry."

"I'll be with Kristine at all times. I won't hesitate to kill my mother for the sake of my niece," Elijah assures and shares a smile with Kristine.

Rebekah rolls her eyes. "Do I have to remind you all that our mother is a trained killer? She's been hunting us down for years like our father. She knows us better than ourselves. Sure Hope is protected but Esther will only turn her anger to Hayley. Esther is set on ruining our happiness because we ruined hers merely by existing."

"Which is why I'm taking Hayley to the Laurent House today to protect her," Klaus says, strolling into the dining room. He kisses my cheek softly and sits down next to me.

"Why are you late?" I ask.

"I took Caroline home. If Esther is desperate to hurt our family, I don't want her involved or hurt in any way."

"What's the Laurent House?" Kristine interjects. Rebekah snorts quietly and Elijah smiles smugly. I have no idea why. I didn't know a Laurent House existed.

Klaus looks mildly uncomfortable and wouldn't meet my eyes. "C'mon brother, inform Hayley," Elijah goads, enjoying how uncomfortable Klaus is at the question.

"Long ago, when I had full reign of New Orleans, I met a woman during a temporary stay. Her name was Sarah Laurent. She wasn't anything special when I first met. I caught her stealing from a local bakery. I was going to send her to jail, but instead, I decided to sympathize for the poor girl. In return out of gratitude, Sarah performed some favors for me. Anyway, over time, we grew closer. Yes, romantically Hayley, and don't give me that look. Sometime in the middle of "dating", we decided to stay friends. Anyway, she was very poor and out of an act of kindness, I built her a house and named it after her. She lived in it until she died of old age. She was only a human. Her family moved to California so the house has been vacant for years. I use the house as a hideout."

"Are you sure Esther doesn't know about the Laurent House?" I question.

"Our mother was dead at that time. She wouldn't have a clue."

Elijah stands up. "Okay so it's clear. I'll go with Kristine to the bayou and Hayley and you will lodge at the Laurent House."

"What about me?" Rebekah says indignantly.

"You will temporarily stay at Mystic Falls and keep a careful eye at any suspicious activity. Esther may be there and if she is, she'll waste no time bewitching our friends there," Klaus says. Rebekah looks oddly pleased at the order. It probably has something to do with Matt or Stefan.

I glance around the table at my friends who have become my family in a number of days. "Good luck guys. Let's take this bitch down once and for all."


Laurent House is not what I excepted to look like at all. Klaus and his siblings are known for their extravagant, sprawling mansions. I'm please that this house is really a cozy, isolated bungalow at the edge of town. It's in the middle of a thicket so the trees heavily shield the beautiful house.

The bungalow is previously stocked with food, clothing, and other necessary supplies. It's quite beautiful inside with a spacious living room, a brand new kitchen, and beautiful two bedrooms. The bathrooms are located inside the bedrooms. There's sparse furniture allowing open space.

Klaus is fast asleep in one of the bedrooms. I sit on the porch, admiring the glorious sunset. It's peaceful and quiet save the chirping of birds and twigs snapping ever so often.


I let out an ear splitting scream. Whipping around fast and drawing my claws out, I see a well-built figure of a man standing beside me. I focus my eyes and realize it's actually Jackson. To my shock, he's stark naked.

I cover my eyes and make a sound out of disgust. "What the hell Jackson? Put on clothes. What are you doing out here naked?"

"I was out here, hunting as a wolf. I didn't think I needed clothes."

I shake my head and retract my claws. "You shouldn't be here. If Klaus finds you.."

"He's not. I'm not here to try and woo you. Trust me. I have to tell you something."

I roll my eyes. "What could you possibly tell me? And how did you even find me?"

"I hunt in these forests all the time. I'm not stalking you. Believe me I have better things worth my time. I caught your scent and decided to say hi."

I believe him. I have an uncanny sense of knowing when people are lying. Maybe it's my hybrid abilities but he's telling the truth.

"Continue. What is the important news?"

"It's about your cousin Kristine. I don't know why but I always had a bad feeling about her. So I looked into the Labonair family tree. Hayley, she's lying about her identity."

I rise slowly, not believing my ears.

"What did you find?"

"Hayley, your aunts and uncles had kids. But none of their names were Kristine."

"Her mothers name was Janice. Did you at least find any aunts of mine named Janice?"

"Yes there was an aunt named Janice. However she died four years before Kristine supposedly was born. How can you give birth to a child if you weren't even alive at the time of birth? Kristine randomly chose a name."

A horrible cold feeling washes over me. "Whoever this girl is... she's with my baby right now."

"She's at the bayou. I saw her before I went out hunting. If she lies about her identity, what else is she lying about? And you can't trust a liar with your baby."

"Jackson, I have to wake up Klaus. I have a feeling Kristine's intentions for Hope isn't as innocent as I thought before."

Hey readers I'm sorry for the delay I'm currently working on a different fanfiction for a different fandom let me know if there's any one direction fans out there :) also I'm doing personal one-shots for those who want one so message me for one with any celebrity

Hope |Klaus and Hayley|Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang