💊Toxic Love II💉 (ErrInk)

Start from the beginning

Error cried the pain only worsen at this. He flinched at the feeling of being picked up and moved. The feeling of cloth being tightly wrapped around his eyes startled him. He quickly hugged himself when Ink moved away...I mean who else who it have been?...anyone else would have been a blessing to Error. Anyone was better than Ink. The sick twisted creator laughed at the sight of Error "How wonderful! Now I'll leave you to get used to being blind~." Ink smiled. He quickly left Error to cry his heart out on the bed and moved to the living room where he could relax. He cared not for the blood stains and such on the walls and floor. Ink saw it all as art, and it was all  H I S!


The smaller than normal glitch clumsily made his way around the house as he trembled. He could hear Ink's laughter as he stumbled and bumped into walls. The sound of laughter filled the house and rang in Error's ears. The sickening sound of Ink's laugh becoming almost unbearable for him. Error let out a shaky breath as he bumped into yet another wall. Yet instead of hearing another mocking laugh he heard a low, loud growl coming from his left. He could only assume he bumped into Ink's precious art wall. It was only pictures or painting of what he saw as the best punishments for Error. The pictures and paintings mostly being that of the aftermath of what he had done. Error whimpered "S-sorry." he whispered slowly backing away from whatever he had bumped into, Ink's growl seemed to cease at this. Error stood there for a moment fearful for what was to come next, and just as Error predicted he was picked up by Ink. He could tell he was in for a real beating today as Ink seemed quite ridged. The glitch quickly hugged himself his arms wrapped protectively around his stomach. He wouldn't let Ink kill this child. He wouldn't let this child die if it was the last thing he'd ever do, so be it. Error felt himself hit the solid surface of the bed. He whimpered at this and listened to Ink's movements carefully. The clattering of blades and other tools were heard along with the shuffling of clothing and the creaks and groans of the old floorboards. Ink smiled as he picked up a small dagger, it was hardly stained with blood and looked to be the sharpest item he could find. Ink hummed as he strolled over to the timid Error who shook underneath Ink's gaze. Ink loved how Error feared him, performed his every command without question, how he screamed and cried for MERCY. Ink loved it all, it was all so twistedly beautiful to him. Every moment was something he longed for, something he lived for. The sound of his screams to Ink was equal to that of a beautiful symphony. He loved it all. He laid the cold blade on Error's leg and watched as he flinched. How he was at his MERCY laid upon the bed as if a prince had laid their princess to rest. Ink's sadistic smile grew with each action of dragging the back of the blade along his leg. He hummed in satisfaction as Error whimpered. He twirled the blade in his hand before stopping to point the edge of the blade at Error's leg. He pushed the sharpened blade and listened as Error screamed the blade cutting through his bones as if it were paper. He chuckled darkly. "InK." Error whimpered out so very quietly. The creator froze anger knotted at his SOUL at Error's very glitchy voice. He could only growl as he once again cut through his leg. "WHO SAID YOU COULD TALK YOU FILTHY ANIMAL!?" Ink roared at the poor timid skeleton who shrieked grasping on to his bloodied leg. Error cried the worn and tattered bandages he wore now stained with fresh tears. Error abruptly stood up on the bed which did little for his height but yet still gave him the advantage. Ink having been thrown off guard when Error shoved him stumbled and crashed to the ground. The dagger flying out of his hand and landing at the doorway some odd feet away from him. Error panted at this Ink having taken most of his energy to shove. He, however, couldn't stop there he needed to run needed to leave. No child should have to grow up in this his unborn child should have a better shot at life. He should get to see the outside world! Not fear of being beat or seeing their 'mother' constantly abused! Error stumbled off the bed quickly he dashed for the living room ignoring the fact he bumped into a wall. He could then feel his SOUL beat speed up when the roar of Ink echoed through the house. "ERROR!" His scream filled with Hate and anger. Error panicked and slammed into a door it bursting open. He could only hope it was the front door. Error didn't stop running not even to stop in confusion when he felt his feet hit the cold snow, nor for the weird feeling in his stomach as if he been teleported. He couldn't hear Ink anymore which worried him, but he couldn't stop, not now. Not when Ink could be so close.

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