Introduction | Information

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Okay, I just logged back in for the first time in a million years. I'm an adult now and I've honestly attempted to forget I ever even wrote this, but every once and a while I get an email about it, thus preventing me from acting as if it never happened. I played around with deleting it, but you know what, fuck it. I haven't read this since the time of posting, and I refuse to ever read it as long as I shall live. There are parts I remember writing that shake me to my'll understand soon if you continue reading. Anyway, I'm pretty sure this is really bad, so save yourself the energy and go read something that will actually one day be finished. If you DO read this (why, I will never know), I am truly sorry.  

Thank you so much for reading this Draco x Reader, especially when there are so many out there! I also thank you for reading this introduction, because honestly, I'm the type of person who skips over them. I just wanted to put in some disclaimers and information some might want to know before reading. If you don't really care that much, you can skip this.

First off, this story is based off of my knowledge of Harry Potter (books and films), which I've seen and read all of. I did read them some time ago, so I try to keep all details the same or similar. If there are any things that don't add up, I apologize and feel free to comment and correct me! I might have to change some details to fit in an extra character (you!), but I promise they will be minor and not effect the trio stuff.

Secondly, this story is based off of myself and my personal house(s) and personality. I tried to make it semi-diverse, but you can only do so much in x reader stories. Again, I apologize there are any character traits that don't apply to you. Also, this character does not have any siblings, but being an "only child" won't be a HUGE part of the story, so it shouldn't be a big issue.

I have the mature rating on, because I'm not sure where I will take this. If you do not like mature rated stories, you can still read this! Any chapters that have a mature themes will be identified as so in a warning at the top, so you can skip it. At the very end, I will put in summary of the chapter so you won't have to miss out on any plot line. For sexually mature themes, I will have it be on one chapter only, so you can skip over it and not even have to read a summary! I hope that makes sense, but I'm sure of it comes up it will be self explanatory. If I have any changes to these disclaimers I will put it here and at the beginning of the chapter in which I change it.

Some things you will need to know (in case you didn't already):

(y/n) = your name

(l/n) = your last name

(m/n) = your mother name (or a made up one)

(f/n) = your fathers name (or a made up one)

(e/c) = your eye color

(I might add more as I use them, but here are the ones I've used so far)

I thank you very much! Constructive criticism is welcomed! Any errors I make I will do my best to revise ASAP. This is my first story on his site, and I've been really nervous to post it, hopefully it goes well and you guys like it!

I also do not own the cover photo or any of the others I may use in the Chapters.

-Your friendly neighborhood Draco lover <3

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