❃The Guiding Light❃

Start from the beginning

So, it was me all along that saved him. When I was thinking of our memories he got them. I saved him by digging deep into my heart and showing him my love for him, and how I fell in love with him. I don't know myself how we fell in love, one day I just realized it. I think it was when I sacrificed myself for him that I realized I had been in love with him.

My feeling for him will never chance. I love him with my whole heart and no one, and nothing can chance my feeling for Jason Black. My fiancé. I still can not believe that we are soon to be worried couple. It's unreal, yet real at the same time. "Why did you die? I thought you couldn't die" I ask, I have been wondering this for some time now, and now that he is telling me everything, I might as well ask this question. He sighs, oh no.

I think he is about to tell me something bad, something that I don't want to hear. He gives me a sad smile. "You are correct and incorrect, it is true. I can not die. Yet, I can" his answer only makes me look at him weird. He is telling me something, and I'm not really understanding what he is trying to tell me. Can he or can he not die? That should be easy to answer. I can answer it for myself. I can not die, see it's simple. And very easy to answer, why is he trying to make this whole thing hard to understand?

"You see Hunter is a vampire, so he knows how to kill a vampire, he can avoid things like that. Wood kills vampires, is a vampire is shot in the heat or heart with a wooden bullet, or a wooden stake, or something wood they die. That is how I can die, otherwise I am immortal. Hunter came here to kill me, and take your blood" he tells me. Now I understand this whole thing, now do I understand why he didn't just say this in the beginning. Then I would have understood this all much better.

But, you know Jason, always wanting to make everything impossible for me to understand. "So, in the future we just have to be careful that you don't get stabbed or shot with wood. Easy" I say, trying to cheer him up. He is sad, yet happy. When it comes to Jason, it is so hard to know what he is feeling and thinking. He is so mysterious, but that only makes me love him more. This is who he is, and I am proud to call him mine. No one is going to take him away from me, I can assure you about that.

"Now what shall we do, soon to be wife?" He asks me, I blush at this. "We could just stay home and spend the day together, soon to be husband" I say. It actually feels right to call him my husband. I know that are aren't technically married yet, but I think of him as my husband already. I love him so much. I know I say it a lot, I just like saying it. "Then, that is what we will do" he tells me, as he picks me up bridal style. He walks up the stairs, and to Shadow's and Midnight's room.

They are both sleeping. I guess Shadow's influence on Midnight is ripping off. Since lately Midnight is lazy and sleeps all the time, just like Shadow. Now, that I think of it, Midnight has been behaving exactly like Shadow. Sometimes it is adorable, but at other times I find it creepy and very strange. Well, it does make sense, since Shadow is older and 'wiser' and that means that Midnight needs to do as the older one says or something. I don't know how cats do this, but those two are so strange.

Carefully Jason sets me down on the couch, beside the sleeping cats. Who, just woke up. I pick up Shadow, while Jason picks up Midnight. "What is it like it hell? My father doesn't want to tell me" I ask as I pet Shadow. He purrs, but it is very weak. I guess he just wants to go to sleep again. He looks very tired, and he loves it when he does get his sleep. Midnight is more the type to play but now he wants to sleep. Copying off Shadow. "There is a reason he didn't tell you anything" Jason says after a minute or two.

"And, for what reason is that?" I ask. I want to know. I mean, my birth father runs hell, and I am from there. So that means, I do have the right to know. And, if my father won't tell me, than I will just have to ask someone else. Besides, Jason has already been there, so he can tell me. He may have been there for a short amount of time, still he was there, and he saw how hell looks like, he can tell me everything about it.

"Hell can be described as the worst place in the universe. There is fire everywhere you look. And everyone is in chains being tortured in many ways. I rally don't want to tell you this, but there are people screaming everywhere I looked. The screaming kept going and no matter where I looked, there was always someone screaming and feeling pain. All I could think of was you, you helped me come out of that place, and you kept me sane while I was in there. I wish to never return to that place" he tells me, with a sad voice.

I take his hand. "I promise you, you will never die again. And, even if you did I will bring you back from the dead. I will never give up on you" I tell him seriously, it is the truth. I will never give up to try to bring him back from the death. Jason may die a thousand times, and I would still be here to bring him back from the dead. No matter what, will do it. Not that I want him to die a thousand times. I want him to live. Him, dying is the last thing I want.

He leans down and kisses my cheek. "I know you would bring me back if I died. I will never give up on you, my little flower. I love you" he says and kisses my lips, he catches my lips into his. The kiss is sweet yet rough. Jason wants more, he explores my mouth with his tongue and pulls me closer to him with his hands. I break away from the kiss, panting after not being able to breathe. I look into his eyes, the eyes that I love looking into. "I love you" I say.

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