Remembering Happiness

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Warning: angst

Kokichi smiles mournfully, looking off into some memory only he can see. "I met the love of my life in a coffee shop. I know what you're thinking. I know it sound cliche, but I promise you I'm not making this up. This isn't a scene from a movie, or a page out of some romance novel, this was real.

"When we met, I was a waiter at the shop. Honestly, back then, I was sort of pathetic. I was just some loser, living alone and working a job that bored me to death, barely making enough money to live off of.

"Anyway, he just showed up one day, just a normal customer. It was all I could do not to gape as he walked in. He was so beautiful, and I mean that. He wasn't handsome, he was beautiful, tall and with pretty yellow eyes that looked like stars and his..." Kokichi trails off as he notices his audience's attention wandering. "Hey, you wanted this story, so listen. I'll skip all the lovey-dovey descriptions if it'll make you feel better." He clears his throat. "As I was saying, I was practically drooling over him from the moment I saw him. I tried my best to keep my cool when I took his order, and I think I did a pretty good job. Either that, or he just didn't notice how flustered I was. He could be really dense sometimes, as I learned later."

"So, there I was, in a fuc- ah, I mean in a freaking waiter uniform, bringing this unfairly attractive guy a cup of hot cocoa, and I'm thinking to myself 'Don't spill it on his lap. Don't you dare. If you spill it on him you might as well just find a hole to die in, 'cause your life will be over.'' I went over to the table and handed him the cup. He was reading a book, but he put it down to get the cup, and then it was on the table and I'm like 'Crisis averted, now to get out of here before I embarrass myself.' I turned around and walked a few steps, and then from behind me I heard a clink and hiss, and I looked back to find he's somehow spilled the cocoa all over himself.

"Of course, being an upstanding cafe employee, I had to go over and help him." Kokichi spots the look his audience is directing towards him. "Hey, what does that look mean? That was totally the reason. It definitely wasn't because I was waiting for an excuse to talk to the hot guy. Just be quiet and listen. So, I went over to the good-looking oaf, and I asked him if he was alright. Meanwhile, I'm trying not to look at the stain on his clothes, which just happened to be over his crotch, because I didn't want him to think I was a pervert or anything. Imagine my surprise when he sputters out some incoherent apology, slaps down way more money than the drink was worth on the table, and runs off. And all I could think was 'I didn't even get his name.' There was another waitress there, Tsumugi, and she came up beside me and said 'I ship it.' I just shook my head and said 'It'll never happen, he's too far out of my league.'

"The next day, he showed up again, and I wasn't sure whether I to be relieved or disappointed that I was busy with another customer. Tsumugi took his order. I was just taking my customer's order to the kitchen when Tsumugi comes over and tugs on my sleeve. She told me that the guy had asked for me specifically. And so, heart in my throat, I ended up bringing him his order.

"As I set it down on the table, I jokingly said, 'Try not to spill it this time.' After he heard that, he started apologizing profusely, and the people around us are started to stare, so I told him that it's alright, and he should really stop because he's causing a scene. That made his eyes widen, and he quickly looked around. Everyone that was staring went back to their business, but that didn't stop the guy from blushing and squirming a little from embarrassment. And then there I was, thinking 'Oh my god, he just got cuter.'

"Still blushing, he starts apologizing, albeit more calmly than before, about how sorry he was about making such a big mess yesterday, and that he didn't mean to give anyone more work. I told him it was no big deal. He tried to offer a larger than normal tip to make up for it, and I told him that it wasn't necessary. After all, he made my day at work just a little more entertaining. He blushed again and said, 'Ah, t-thank you... um' he went quiet for a second, and I realized he was looking at my name tag, 'Thank you, Kokichi.' Wanting the conversation to last a little longer, I added one more thing. I grinned and said 'Besides, I already got a huge tip from you yesterday. Remember, you left way too much money. I just decided to help myself, hope you don't mind.'

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