❃Slowly Coming Back❃

Start from the beginning

That means that we need to lift him up all the stairs of the house, and let me tell you, they are many. And, Jason is very heavy to hold. I wish, I came up with this idea before, when all my parents were here to help us hold him, and this would have been a lot easier for us. I can't imagine what Jason would do and say if he would wake up now, when we are carrying him up the stairs, he would be very angry, he doesn't like it when people do something for him. To me, it would be so funny.

He would demand us to release him, and we would let go, which would send him down the stairs. But, I don't want that, he could get hurt. And, he has been hurt enough today, he doesn't need more pain. "We could have put him on the couch, in the living room" she says, why didn't we think of this sooner? When she says this we are half-way up the stairs. The living room was her close from the lobby, and it doesn't have stairs to go up, holding this heavy man. It would have been a lot easier, to just set him in the living room.

But, I think it would have been better to have him in our bed. Where, he is the more comfortable. I believe he would want to wake up there, instead on the floor. Besides, the floor is super cold, and hard. We set him gently down on the bed, well kind of. He fell on the bed. It wasn't our fault, he is so heavy. And I feel like my arms are about to fall off right now. We both sit on the bed, panting after this. That was some real workout.

I look at Jason, and I notice that his chest is moving up and down in a motion. First I though it was the bed, since we were moving on it. But, even after we stopped, his chest still moved up and down. I put my hand on his stomach, he is actually breathing. Little by little he is waking up, soon he will be completely awake. We will be together again. I also notice that the bullet hole is getting smaller and smaller, so I do beloved that he is healing.

It is just taking a long time, which is all right, but I want him to wake up. Soon, and fast. I need to hear his voice, I feel like it has been a whole eternity since I have heard his voice. Even if that was only few hours ago, it feels a lot longer than it is. "He's breathing, isn't he?" She says, we are both smiling. I know she cares for him, but not as much as I do. "Yeah, you don't mind me changing?" I ask her, I have been in this dress for far to long, and those heels are killing my feet right now. I didn't have the chance to chance my clothes before, since I was to bust doing other stuff.

"Sure, I've got to use the bathroom. So you can chance in private" she says and stands up. Before she leaves out the door, she stops. "He really loves you, you know that right?" She asks me, I nod my head. Everyday, he tells me that he loves me, and how lucky he is to have me in his life. I think it is more, that I am lucky to have him. I love him with all my heart, no one can tell me otherwise.

She leaves the room, and I dress myself into my pajamas. Well, it is my pajamas pants, which is a light blue pants with emojis on it. While, the t-shirt I am wearing are Jason's. I love his t-shirts, and he doesn't really wear them often, but he does sometimes. I never knew that he even had t-shirts until I found them in our closet few weeks ago, and ever since then I have been sleeping in his t-shirts. Besides, he tells me that he loves that I wear them.

I wear them because they are very comfortable, a little big, and they smell like him. Making me love being in them more. I lay down on the bed, beside Jason and hug him, while laying down. I lay my head in his chest and I listen to his heartbeat. I don't know how long it will be before he wakes up again, but I know it will be soon. And, I'm already counting down the seconds before he wakes up. It should be happening. It is just so frustrating waiting, this whole time, knowing that he could never wake up again.

There is this little voice in my head, that I try to ignore, but the more that I have to wait the bigger the voice does get. It tells me that Jason will never wake up again, that he is just stuck in this horrible coma. I try as hard as I can to not listen to that voice, but as I've said before, it is growing bigger and bigger. I don't want to be believe that Jason will never wake up. I need to have faith in him, not only for his sake but, also for mine.

Victoria returns and she looks better. Her eyes aren't red and puffy as they were when she was crying, and the dried tears aren't visible anymore. I probably look like a mess right now. She sits down on the bed, and takes his hand, but then she takes mine. I don't really care, it actually feels nice that someone is holding me. I really wish that it was Jason, but he is busy recovering. "You should get some sleep, you look exhausted. You will not be much help to Jason if you're tired" she tells me, I realize a yawn. She is right, I am super tired.

"I want to stay awake, until he wakes up" I tell her, she looks at me with a look that tells me that she wasn't really asking me, she commanded me, in a very nice voice. "He will need me, when he does wake up, I'm no help if I am the one sleeping" I say, we are both right, I think. All I want to do is get some sleep, but I have been forcing myself to stay awake, I want to be there for him when he does wake up, I don't want him to think that I don't love him, and I feel asleep when I was supposed to watch over him and protect him from any harm.

"You won't be much help when you are to tired, either" she tells me, she is right. I make myself comfortable, as close to Jason as I can. I still make sure, that I am not hurting him in any way, that is the last thing I would want right now, and that is to hurt him. "Goodnight" I tell her and close my eyes. "Goodnight, Emma" I hear her mutter to herself, before I am taken by the darkness. With Jason next to me, I fall asleep.

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