Chapter TwentyEight - Calm

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"This is probably my favorite thing to do in the spring time." I said as Sebastian drove his red Aston Martin through downtown Seattle to the location.

"Movie on the Waterfront? I've never heard of that." He shook his head.

"It's amazing! Larsa and I go every year." I sighed, putting on my black RayBans and enjoying the amazing weather today. Spring had come and it was mid-seventies. I was happy that I could wear shorts and sandals and a T-shirt. Surprisingly, Sebastian traded in his usual suit and tie for a T-shirt and shorts.

When we reached the lawn where the movie on the waterfront was hosted, I instantly spotted Larsa. She was standing at the concession stand waiting for us. She was holding a blanket and two bags. I grabbed a picnic basket from Sebastian's backseat and we walked over to her.

"Whose ready for the most amazing evening of the year?!" Larsa did an animated dance and much to Sebastian's surprise I joined her.

"Oh, Larsa, you too?" Sebastian joked.

"Movie on the Waterfront is tradition, Bash. Get with the program." Larsa giggled as we walked through the entrance. "Where's you guys' SWAT team?"

"Domino isn't far behind. I told him to give us some space so Serena could get some sense of normalcy." He informed as he snaked his arm around my waist.

It's about time." Larsa giggled. I rolled my eyes at her as we continued on.

"What're we even watching?" He asked as we found a spot and started setting up.

"The Goonies." Larsa and I said in unison.

"I've never seen it." Sebastian said, sitting next to me on the blanket.

"Well, prepare to be amazed." I wagged my brows at him.

After the movie, Sebastian and I said our goodbyes to Larsa and took a walk around downtown with Domino and Stark keeping a safe distance behind us. We stopped at a local hole-in-the-wall restaurant for dinner and continued walking after. It was nice, we rarely just walked and enjoyed each other's company.

"I have to talk to you about something." Sebastian said as we reached the Pioneer Square Pergola.

"Shoot." I said sitting down on the bench and patting the seat beside me.

He sits and turns his torso to me, his eyes staring deep into mine. "Listen, I want you to know how serious I am about making you my wife. I know we've spoken about it time and again, I just want you to know I'm all in."

"I appreciate that." I nodded as I took in his words.

"But?" He frowns.

"There's no 'but'." I reassured.

"Serena, do you not want to marry me?" Sebastian's face drops a fraction.

"Sebastian, I said 'yes', didn't I?"

"It feels like whenever I ask you about the wedding plans and anything related to the matter, you shut it down. As if you're not intending on having one." He says as his eyes study my face.

"That's not it at all. I'm sorry if that's how I made it seem, my head's just been elsewhere. With quitting LeMarchel and the whole drama with Adrian and Armadio, I haven't had the quiet room in my head to give all of that the proper attention." I admitted.

"I get that, but neither Adrian or Armadio are threats anymore. We finally have our normal, drama free lives back. You can breathe now, you're safe." He half grins.

"I know. I guess I'm a bit on edge still. Recovering from all of that is not easy." I sighed.

"Yea, I know." He said, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. "Speaking of recovering, Ruth says you've missed a few sessions with her."

"Yea, well with everything that's happened in the past couple weeks, I didn't want to drag her into it." I chuckled.

"She's quite fond on you. She says you remind her of her daughter."

"She told me that at the hat party."

"Yea...I told her you probably wouldn't be back though." He shifted on his side of the bench.

"Why did you tell her that?" I frowned at him.

"Because you faced your traumas head on. You got closure from your mother and her sessions have served their purpose." He assessed.

"Sebastian, I really wish you hadn't done that. That was for me to decide." I exhaled sharply.

"I know. I didn't say you'd never be back. I just said you might not want to right now." He defended.

"Regardless, Sebastian, That wasn't for you to disclose. And if we're going to be married, calling the shots over me and what I do is canceled. This is a partnership. Okay?" I rose a brow at him and he nodded.

"Good." I sighed.

"I only want to see you happy, Serena. That's all I want." He says softly beside me. "I can finally give you that now. Wholeheartedly, without looking over my shoulder or battling with inner demons. Seeing you happy brings me to a certain...calm."

I chuckled, "Calm."

"It sounds silly." He grinned, shaking his head.

"No, surprisingly, I know exactly what you mean." I said, resting my head on his shoulder as I looked up at the night sky through the glass ceiling of the pergola.

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