Chapter Fifteen - 'Your name came up'

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"Thank you, Officer Leahy." Sebastian says into his phone before he hangs up.

I sit at my desk in my office watching Sebastian pace back and forth. I can't believe my apartment was broken into. I couldn't begin to guess who it was and when I thought of the person who was following me that day, I panicked.

"I didn't notice anything off the top of my head missing. And Larsa is fine, she stayed the night at Asha's, thank God." I informed him, setting my phone that was clenched in my hand on top of my laptop.

"The police are still there. Domino is with them. I told him to grab some of your things and take them to my place." He says, sinking into one of the chairs in front of my desk.

"Thank you." I sighed again.

"Where were you last night?" He asks, he dark eyes fixed on me in curiosity.

"I went out with Larsa and Asha to a new club that just opened." I said, opening my laptop.

"But you didn't stay at Asha's. She called me this morning when she didn't hear back from you last night." He informs, turning his head to the window.

"I was with Adrian. I was really drunk and I got sick and-"

"Did you sleep with him?" Sebastian cuts me off.

"No, but..."

"But, What?!" His voice raises a little.

"I kissed him, Sebastian. I kissed him once and that's all." I say, watching his face twist in anger.

"And that's all..." He echoes quietly.

"Yes, that's all." I say again.

"You're done with him now, right?!" Sebastian's eyes burn into mine now and his square jaw is clenched into a hard line.

"Yes. I'm done with him." I reassure him.

"Okay. Good." He says, letting out a long, drawn out exhale.

"You're not mad?" I ask, watching him, warily.

"I'm fucking fuming and want to bash his face in, but I forgive you." He grunts and I can't help but stifle a smile.

"Sebastian," I stand from my chair and round my desk to sit on his lap. I wrap my arms around his neck and place my gaze on his handsome face.

"What is it?" He watches me just as intensely.

"No more secrets. No more lying. You know my terms of our relationship. I need you to understand this. If you can't handle that, we can't make this work." I say, meaning every word.

"I swear it. Only the truth, no matter how fucked up it may be." He says, nodding.

"Okay. Good. Now that we're on the same page, is there anything else I should know about?" I ask.

"Yes, actually...I quit selling the drugs through my club. I told my club manager to cut it off and I've upped my security detail...and yours." He informs.

"Wait, my security detail? I don't have..." His face twist into guilt and my brows come together. "You've gotten me bodyguards?"

"Bodyguards and a driver." He adds.

"Well, that's just wonderful, Sebastian." Not sounding enthusiastic at all.

"It's necessary, Serena. I can't have anything happen to you because of me."

"You're right. I'm just gonna have to deal with it. I'm losing my mind wondering who this psycho is that's stalking me." I sigh in defeat.

"We'll figure all of this out. Right now, try not to worry about it. Focus on work and I'll take you out tonight afterwards." He says, squeezing my waist.

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