Chapter TwentyOne - Kingpin

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"You." I couldn't hide the venom in my voice. "You almost killed my Grandmother!"

"It was unfortunate that she was collateral for your brother not holding up his end of the deal. But that's all in the past." Armadio sighs, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Or at least it was until your fiancé here terminated our agreement."

"I paid you back more than we agreed upon! Our business is done!" Sebastian hissed.

"Well, you see, Darkbloom, I don't like that answer." Armadio scratches his chin as his eyes shoot daggers in Sebastian's direction. "I've grown tired of playing nice. I've come to give you a chance to reconsider my offer."

"I'm not selling in my club for you anymore! I've made that more than clear." Sebastian hissed.

There was an awkward silence between the two of them as everyone else mingled around socializing around us. I didn't take my eyes off Armadio, this entire evening took a turn for the worst in a matter of five minutes. I was just ready to leave at this very moment.

"Then we have a problem, don't we?" Armadio squinted his eyes in an enigmatic way, tilting his head slightly at the both of us.

"Do you want to take this outside?" Sebastian's muscles tensed in his arms and immediately grabbed hold of him.

"Oh, Darkbloom. I have men at every corner of this gallery. This doesn't have to get ugly. Just give me what I want." Armadio's devilish smirk was back.

"He said 'no', Armadio. Let it go and leave us alone!" I glared at him now.

"Little dove, let the men talk. This has nothing to do with you." Armadio's harsh expression softens when he sets his eyes on me.

"It has everything to do with me! My brother, my boyfriend and Grandmother are involved! That concerns me, Armadio!" I hissed.

"Well, I suppose you're right. What do you suppose I do about all this Serena?" Armadio's eyes burn into mine.

"Just leave us alone. You've already caused so much trouble." I wedged myself between both he and Sebastian. Sebastian's hand catches my arm, squeezing gently.

"I don't think I can do that. But, I guess tonight...we can just enjoy the rest of the evening." Armadio shoots Sebastian a pointed glare and then turns his gaze back to me before turning on his heel and disappearing into the mass of conversing bodies.

I stand there frozen in so many waves of emotions. This was a lot to handle at once. I didn't know what all to do with this newfound information.

"Come on. We're leaving-now." Sebastian says as he grabs hold of my hand and waist and escorts me towards the gallery's entrance.

"Sebastian, my bag, my laptop-" I gasp as he drags me past the lobby desk.

"I'll have my men pick them up tomorrow. We need to get home." He says as we're met by Domino and three other men dressed in all black.

"Sebastian, I need to get my keys-"

"Damn it, Serena! We need to leave-don't you dare fight me on this right now!" He growls and I don't argue. I just follow him and the rest of the security detail to the black Range Rover waiting for us out front.

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