Chapter TwentyTwo - New Reality

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Domino had gotten us back to the Carlisle in record time. When we all got out we were met by two more men dressed in black. I was stunned by how much Sebastian's security detail had grown in the past twenty minutes.

"Sir, we've got four men stationed at Mrs. Kelly's residence." The tallest of the two spoke first to Sebastian.

"Good. What about Serena's apartment? Her roommate has to sleep safely tonight." Sebastian said as he helped me out the backseat of the SUV and wrapped his suit jacket around my shoulders.

"We've got two men headed there now." Domino informs as he flanks us.

"Good." Sebastian says as we all head up to the penthouse.

Sebastian had men guarding Grams' house as well as Larsa and I's apartment. I was shocked by how soon he'd made this happen.

I feel my phone vibrate in my clutch as we all step out of the elevator into the penthouse. I answer it immediately as I see Grams' face on the screen.

"Grams are you alright?" I answer.

"Renie, why are there men here telling me that they are my security? What is going on, baby?" She's frantic on the other end.

"Something happened tonight at the gallery. It's just to be extra careful-" I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"It's that man who broke in and attacked me, isn't it? You're in trouble."

"No, Grams, I don't want you to worry. It's just a precaution." I lie.

"Bullshit! I'm worried! I'm here alone with four men guarding my house and Jason hasn't answered his phone in four hours! You better fill me in right now or I'm heading over there right now!" Grams snaps and I have no choice but to cave and fill her in.

She's furious of course, but I get her to at least calm down. She informs me that Jason has just walked in the house just before I end the call. I toss my phone to Sebastian's bed and head straight to the shower. I mull over my thoughts in the steaming hot water and after the fourth time washing my face I finally cut off the water.

I wrapped my robe around myself and combed my fingers through my wet curls as I padded into Sebastian's closet. I walk over to his side of our closet and grabbed a pair of his boxers and a Seattle Seahawks T-shirt. I threw both on and tied my hair into a knot at the top of my head.

When I rounded the corner into Sebastian's living room, I'm shocked to see all the bodies dressed in black huddled around him. I breezed past them heading to the kitchen, Sebastian's eyes catching me in mid conversation. I cut the lights on in the kitchen and immediately realize that I'm starving. I head straight to the fridge and study the contents inside: a bottle of Champagne, a carton of eggs and Ketchup. I can't help but to laugh to myself. Sebastian was hopeless in the cooking department. I'd either be cooking or he'd resort to take out every night, there was no in between.

"Hungry?" Sebastian's voice sounds behind me as I close the door to the fridge. I'm still wearing the smile on my face from my inner thoughts. "What're you smiling about?"

I laugh at his scrunched brows and say, "You have no groceries whatsoever."

"Oh, yea. I don't really have the time to grocery shop, Serena. I am running a multi-billion dollar company after all." He jokes as he walks up to me and kisses my forehead.

"Yea, okay, smart ass. Well what do you suggest we eat? I doubt the eggs and champagne would compliment each other well." I giggled, gesturing towards his fridge.

"I'll order some take out. Problem solved." He grins as he pulls me into him.

"What's with the SWAT team out there?" I finally asked.

"That's the building's security." He sighs, "I'm having the gallery, your Grams' home and your apartment monitored at all times until we take care of Vega."

"Take care of him?" I pull myself back, looking him square in the eyes.

"Armadio Vega is dangerous, Serena. Until he's behind bars, I'm not letting up my men. You and everyone we care about will be protected."

"What about your family?" I cross my arms uncomfortably over myself.

"I've informed them of what's going on. And upped their security as well." He shrugs.

"Wow." I muttered quietly as I lean against the counter. "So this is our reality now? I mean I knew this would happen eventually given your financial status and prominence, but I guess I thought I would still have my life. Or at least the freedom to go grab dinner with you or go grocery shopping without having to worry about being stalked or plotted against every which way."

"You're not a prisoner, Serena. We can still do all those things. We just have to be a little more careful now, that's all." He says as he cupped my face in his hands.

"I get that. It's just a little weird living it sometimes." I sigh, turning my attention towards the floor length windows showing the terrace.

"Yea, it is. It gets easier though, trust me." He nods turning around to pick up his phone off the counter.

"I sure hope so." I chuckled humorlessly.

"Italian or Thai?" He asked as I rounded the island to sit on one of the four bar stools.

"Italian. We've already had Thai twice this week." I giggled.

"Italian it is." He shoots me a crescent smirk.

"And tomorrow we're going grocery shopping. You're fridge is pathetic." I laughed.

"Well, we do live together now. And you do cook so grocery duty is now up to you." He laughs.

"How about we do it together?" I rest my head on my palms and sigh.

"That's an even better idea." He chuckles before calling in our food.

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