Chapter Nine - The Red Queen

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"I'm fine. I swear." I say as we go up in the elevator to The Red Queen, to meet Adrian. The Red Queen was an four star restaurant located right on the waterfront overseeing the skyline. I'd talked Adrian out of the bar scene. I can't believe I convinced Sebastian to come, but I'm glad he was here.

"I have my men on it. We're gonna find this bastard." He says beside me. His jaw set in a hard line.

"Sebastian, please. I'm fine. Just relax, okay?" I squeeze his bicep and he pauses to exhale before he turns to face me fully and kisses my forehead.

"You look beautiful." He changes the subject, eyeing my black, pencil dress and bold red trench coat.

"Thank you." I grin and peck a kiss on his lips.

"I'll try to be...cordial. He tries anything-anything at all-" Sebastian begins to threaten but I shoot him down as soon as he gets started.

"Adrian wouldn't disrespect you like that. He knows to behave himself. And I know you won't embarrass me." I stare at my boyfriend through my thick lashes and he eyes me with a challenging smirk.

When the elevator doors open we step off into the elaborate decor of the Red Queen restaurant. The place is dimly lit and the dark wood floors are complimented by red, teardrop pendant lights, black tables and red cushion chairs at the tables.

"Welcome to the Red Queen." One of the two hostesses dressed finely in a black cocktail dress greets us.

"Hello, we're actually meeting Adrian Xantoni. I believe he's already here." I inform her.

"Oh, yes. He's already seated. Shall I take your coats?" She asks and we take off our coats and hand them to her before we're escorted to the table.

Adrian is seated next to the massive window overlooking the waterfront. I spot his dark brown hair and crystal blue eyes as we approach him. He's actually wearing an oxblood colored suit and I'm impressed by his overall look. He beams a smile at me and stands as we reach the table.

"Serena, you look, wow." Adrian smiles, not really acknowledging Sebastian's steely gaze on him.

"You don't look half bad yourself." I say as he pulls me in for a hug. I feel uncomfortable by this kind of affection in front of Sebastian and cut the hug short. "Um, you remember my boyfriend, Sebastian."

"Ah, yes." Adrian's eyes move to Sebastian and he holds his hand out to shake it.

"How are you, Andrew?" Sebastian says as he shakes Adrian's hand just a little too hard.

"It's Adrian." Adrian corrects him with a smile, though I can tell he's irritated by Sebastian's deliberate mistake.

"Oh. Right." Sebastian gives him a fake smile and I decide to intervene.

"Shall we sit?" I fake a giggle to lighten the mood and we all do. "How beautiful is this restaurant? It's one of my favorites. I don't come here often but it's a place I've come to celebrate things. Little victories and such with Grams."

"How is Eugenia?" Adrian asks as he flips through his menu.

"She's well. Really well actually. I'll tell her you asked about her." I smile.

"Please do." His blue gaze lingers on me before he turns to Sebastian. "So, Sebastian Darkbloom. Seattle's finest. How are things in Africa? I've read you've built a few schools."

Sebastian doesn't take his eyes off his menu as he speaks. "Darkbloom Corp is flourishing per usual. And yes, my projects in Africa are some of my most prized advances."

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