The silverfish glanced up at Jesse on the railing and hissed again, causing her to let out a another squeal, edging up even higher on the railing.

"This is even better than the reaction I had originally expected!" A voice said with a laugh, as there was the familiar beep sound, of a recording being stopped on a phone.

Jesse looked up with wide eyes to see Petra walking up, slipping her phone into her pocket and smirking playfully. Unlike Jesse she was already fully dressed and awake.

The silverfish turned around at her voice, hissing again as it saw another person. It scurried up to Petra, immediately latching it's sharp little fangs onto her boot and gnawing down on the leather.

"You weren't scared of this little fella, were you?" Petra asked, reaching down and grabbing the aggressive little creature by the scruff of its neck, holding it up as it unsuccessfully tried to bite her.

Jesse didn't even reply, just staring at Petra with wide eyes. There were footsteps at the top of the staircase, as Axel, Olivia and Lukas came to investigate what had happened.

"What happened?" Lukas asked, his eyes falling on Jesse. "Why are you sitting on the staircase railing like a pigeon on a telephone pole? In your sleepwear at that?"

"Petra, you didn't." Olivia scolded, seeing the silverfish.

"I missed April Fools, okay?" Petra said casually, still holding the feisty creature. "And Jesse's just so prank-able!"

"Is that even a word?" Lukas asked, not earning a response from anybody.

"That's great!" Axel said, clapping his hands together. "Why didn't you let me in on the fun?"

"Don't worry." Petra said with a chuckle. "I got it all on camera, and you can have the first watch."

"You're going to regret this." Jesse said through gritted teeth, as Olivia helped her down from the railing.

"Yeah?" Petra asked, raising an eyebrow. "What are you going to do? Switch the sugar and salt again? No offence Jesse, but your pranks are old. But give it a try, maybe I'll get a good laugh out of it." She said with a wink, before casually starting to walk back upstairs.

Jesse fearfully edged away, eyes lodged on the silverfish Petra was still carrying.

"Take my advice, and don't start a war with Petra." Lukas said with a chuckle. "Otherwise she's just going to make that silverfish appear somewhere else again."

Jesse glared slightly over at her friends as they all retreated back to their own rooms again. She clenched her fists, taking a deep breath.

"Sorry, Lukas, I'm not taking you're advice. Petra's getting what she deserves, before 24 hours have rolled around."


It was dark outside, as the sunset faded away and the night began, rain still drizzling down from the sky. Everybody were slowly returning to their rooms' getting ready for the night.

Petra stopped as she reached the top of the stairs, sniffing slightly. There was a definite scent in the air, almost like... paint fumes?

Petra shook her head to herself, deciding that she was just imagining it. She walked over to her room, pushing the door open and stepping inside.

There was a cage on one of her bedside tables, complete with a mouse wheel and everything. The silverfish stood upright on the inside, front paws on the side. It aggressively hissed when it saw Petra.

She only chuckled at it, smirking to herself as she thought of all the wonderful pranking opportunities there was in the future...

The smirk faded quickly however, as something on Petra's bed caught her eye, something... shiny?

Petra slowly walked over to her bed, stopping in her tracks when her eyes landed on the object, resting right in the middle of the mattress.

A sword, no doubt her valuable love, Miss butter. Painted a hideous shade of pink, coated in glitter and completed with a frilly pink bow tied around the helm.

Jesse was calmly sitting outside, on one of the benches in the garden, watching the stars – not only because she liked the quiet night air, but also because she feared it may be a little... dangerous inside at the moment.

A grin played on her lips, as she waited for her plan to unfold.

And she knew she achieved it, when a furious scream so loud, she thought the building had vibrated, filled the night air.



I wanted to write something just for fun, and then I received this prompt - perfect! xD

I set this up similar to "Vengeance" from my March challenge book, and even included a little reference to that in there.

I don't have much else to say, this was really just for fun XD Now, I think it's about time I get back to my more serious works (Motivational block is FINALLY starting to fade again)

Feel free to leave any requests, whether they're one word prompts, actual plot lines or sequels to previous one shots I have done!

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