Blood was seeping from her left eye, nose and mouth. Her eyes were half open. The brilliant green/ red had no light in them, dull as an old sword.

I move Mayu out of the way before crouching down to Catya. My hands couldn't stop shaking as I cupped her face. She was still warm but no reaction to my touch.

I pressed my ear in between her breasts, listening for a heartbeat.


I let out a breath of relief. She's still alive but barely.

"Catya...I'm sorry.. I couldn't protect you again." I mumbled against her lavender hair.

I held her close to me. I was in panic. I couldn't think of what to do. I was losing her. Each second her heart beats slower. Each second her small barely there breaths wore down.

My eyes started to burn. I shut my eyes closed tightly, hugging her so close I could break her.

"Catya...come back to me.." I whispered.

I couldn't lose her. I couldn't handle having to bury her.

I can't fucking lose her!

"What happened..?" I choked out.

"She..she was fighting a scary demon. Both her and Aname..she used her magic stones..all of them and when she attack the demon..killing it...she collapsed." She explained through tears.

"We have to get out of here." I say as I pick her up.

Jakotsu lifts Aname on his back and nods to me, ready for our next move.

I throw Catya over my shoulder as gently as I could. Resting one hand on her bum to keep her steady and the other lifting up Banryu.


I turn my head sharply to see Yukine waving his hand.
I growled glaring at him. My grip on Banryu tightened.

"I found a way out! Watari and the others are waiting for us!" He yelled out.

His eyes soon zeroed in on Catya and his happy expression dropped to anger.

"What the fuck did you do to her?!" He jumps in front of me, inches away.

His red eyes bright with rage.

"Get the fuck out of my way." I say to him in a low voice.

My main focus was getting Catya out of here but at this moment all my anger clouded my thoughts and I ended up dropping her.

I kicked his chest hard as I could. He hit the wall hard before coughing up blood.

My eyes cold as ice as I looked down on him.
Fear flashed through his face.

"I said get the fuck out of my way. Don't think just cause you have a connection to MY woman that I won't kill you." I pressed my foot against his chest, pinning him against the wall.

He grabbed my leg in an attempt to move me.

"Maybe I should just kill you now. She'll probably be upset with me but she'll get over it." I chuckle darkly.

I raise Banryu over my head, ready to deliver the death blow.

"Bankotsu! Big brother!" Voices echoed through the cave.

I ignored the noises and kept my eyes on the filth under my foot. He was glaring at me, his grip on my shin tighten.

Soon arms wrapped around me pulling me back.

The Demon's EyeWhere stories live. Discover now