"I don't doubt that, but there's other things that are pretty important also. Like, have you ever talked to a girl alone?"

His eyes darted around before confidently putting a hand out towards you, before he could say 'you', you quickly added in "Besides me, Tae."

Tae counted fingers off his hand, after a painfully slow while he held up three slender fingers.

"They also have to be, human, girls Tae." You propped an elbow on the table to rest your head on your palm.

After you said that he quickly put his hand down before nervously laughing. "I don't really talk to girls in the first place. I rather talk and hang out with the members anyways."

"Well if you want to be, you know that role, you're going to have to flirt with other people. Let alone talk to them." You said it more bluntly than you would've liked. But you couldn't sugar coat over how pointless it would be to help him with the potential failure risk being so high.

Looking a bit disappointed. Tae's shoulders slump down as he ruffled his bangs, causing it to stick out unusually. You bit the inside of your cheek before leaning over the table to fix his hair, gently brushing his bangs back in place.

"What about hand to hand combat?" You asked trying to flip the situation into a more positive outcome.

"That's Jungkook's specialty." Tae reluctantly grumbled as he slowly laid his head down, smushing his cheek into the table.

It bothered you to see him like this. And you couldn't help but feel at fault for his suddenly drop in his mood, maybe because it was you fault but still. After all, you've only really known Tae to be a hyperactive puppy. It's almost as if you forgot he could get hurt and be sad too, most people would forget when they saw his blindly bright personality. Plus, right about now you'd do anything to get Tae's sunshine back. You racked your brain harder to think of what else he could do that the other's didn't have.

Starting to feel the same pit of hopelessness, you leaned back in your chair. Letting your hair hang off while you continued to be consumed by countless thoughts. Each giving you an idea, or for you to counter it or find a flaw in it. You tilted your head far back enough that you could see to the other wall.

As soon as you did see the other wall, you nearly fell back wards out of your chair. "That's it!" You exclaimed in realization, as you nearly knocked your chair over while getting up. Shocked at your sudden outburst Tae looked at you a bit startled. You quickly, yet carefully, took his head off the table with both hands cupping either of his cheeks.

"I know what you can do."



"Nope, just try it."

"I'm already embarrassed, this will probably make me feel worst."

"Taehyungie please?" You said purposely using a cuter tone. Which worked wonders because after that he didn't make another peep.

Tae glanced up from the dart in his hand and stared at the dart board. After taking a deep breath he threw the dart. It made a depressing thud as it hit the outer black ring. The final dart landed along two other darts that were also far from the bullseye. "I missed."

Hopping off the stool you were sitting on, you pulled all three darts out. Holding them up at bit towards him you stood next to him. "Again." You told him while handing him a dart. When you leaned back in your seat, you saw the dart board and thought it was perfect to test your idea.

Which was that maybe he could do something with his alertness to every detail. You figured a game of darts would be easier than wasting ammo in some alleyway shooting a cereal box off a wall or something.

He looked at you then at the dart. Reluctantly taking the single dart from you, he closed his left eye as he raised his right arm to throw. Before he could even do a small practice to get a feel for the throw you stopped him.

"Wait wait," Walking around to his other side so you were facing his back now. You gently repositioned his arm, from the angle of his elbow to how he held the dart itself. "Take your time with these things. Also keep both your eyes open, that way you can double your chances. You don't have to throw the dart right away when I give it to you either."

Your hand held his a bit as you kept make minor adjustments to his grip. "You have to take a moment before each shot, look for any critical details or flaws. Also," you paused to look up at him. Catching him staring at you, you were met with a pair of dangerous sharp eyes. After staring into his eyes for a while you finished giving your advice by saying, "Don't forget to breathe." You patted his chest noticing how tense he got suddenly. You stepped back to watch him try again, hoping that your hunch was right.

You sat on the stool, well more like perched on it, but either way you were watching Tae carefully. Feeling a bit bad about since he could probably feel your intense gaze against the side of his head. You held your breath a bit as you watched his arm throw the dart in a flicking manner.

Both of you gasped in surprise and excitement when it hit dead center. Taehyung turned to you with his jaw dropped open little a child's on Christmas morning. You don't know why you were matching his energy, but just seeing him act like that made you follow his suit.

You smiled at him and flashed him a thumbs up, which he returned in the same manner. He looked at you with the same dimpled smile from earlier, "I have an idea, but first you have two more." You handed him the two darts. As he took them from you happily you noticed how huge his hands were compared to yours.

Taehyung easily relaxed into his stance from earlier. Looking at his face again while he concentrated, you noticed this time he was getting quicker with his aiming, just by watching how he eyes flickered around less. He was also more carefree and less stressed throwing this time around since he had his tongue stuck out a bit while he wiggled his brows.

You were getting lost by just watching his facial features become animated from his 4-D personality. Once you heard the familiar soft stab of the dart hitting the board, you snapped your head away before he can catch you staring.

Although you felt caught since he laughed a bit under his breath as soon as you turned away.

I felt like both of these chapters were on the shorter side so I made it a double update

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