Chapter Eight

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Oh my gooddddd. It's been a month since I've posted D: sorry about that:) welllll as always, enjoy :D ♥


Chapter Eight

View: Vaselia

Date: September twenty-forth

             The rest of the week had dragged by. I decided the best thing to do was to just ignore Ian from now on, maybe not look for him as much in the halls, anything really. I had heard what Jay told me. And honestly I wasn’t all up for being played by Mr. Player. I think Ian was catching on though, since I wasn’t so good at discreetly ignoring.

                       It was Friday and I had stayed after to finish some stupid Earth science lab. Oh come on Mr. Manson, did it seriously have to be done today? Whatever, it was done with now, and I managed to put up with a few more of his cheesy jokes without throwing a rock at his head.

             I sighed opening the basement side door to the student parking lot. I figured if I walked out that door, it’d take longer to get to the few afternoon busses parked outside the front of the school. I hated taking the late bus alone; there were so many people I didn’t know.

                       “So I’m going to guess you forgot how to say hi.”

My heart flipped and I turned to face where the voice had come from.

“Well what can I say? It’s a whole syllable, that’s a big step for me,” I smiled sarcastically as Ian falls into step beside me.

            “Well guess what, you now owe me a week worth of skipped hi’s!”

            “Oh really?” I laughed looking over at him.

            Ian quickly stepped in front of me, blocking my path.

            Catching me off guard, I blinked a few times. He was really good at that, looking away and then all of a sudden he’s right there.

            Like now. He was only inches away from my face, and he smiled a dangerous smile.

            I bit my lip, not stepping away. My heart raced as I breathed in his cologne.

            “Yeah, you do,” He practically whispered.

            He leaned in closer, and our eyes were locked.

            “Come on!” He said suddenly, turning quickly once again and grasping my wrist.

            I laughed, “Where are we going?”

            “To adventure!”

            I kept quiet and let him guide me. His hand was warm against my skin, and I smiled while I watched him walk ahead of me.

            Jay’s words rang in my head, “Don’t fall for his charm.” But I pushed that thought away.

            I was just hanging out with him, what was wrong with that?

             He loosened the grip on my wrist and slowed his pace so he was now, yet again, next to me.

            “So, tell me, what’s oh so special about this Vaselia Chamberlin girl? I mean do you know her?”

            I looked up at Ian, searching his face for a joking smirk, but he looked so serious.

            “Uh-“ I bit my lip trying to ease my tone.

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