Chapter One

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Sooo..this is my first chapter...of my first book D: i hope you guys like it^.^ Don't worry it gets more exciting..haha. Not even all the main characters are introduced yet. Ha. Well please read:D oh and any given feedback would be just lovely! :D how you say her name Vaselia is Vas- (rhymes with gas) el- (just say it like 'L') i- (say it like 'E') a- (say it like the 'u' in cut) so i guess Vas-l-e-uh is how its pronounced? l0l i tried x) 

HEY. :D I just wanted to let people who have already read this first chapter that I have edited the shit out of it, lol. I got rid of a lot of details that seriously weren't necisary, so hopefully it's the first few chapters are more catchy. :)

~ e n j o y ♥ ~


Chapter Unknown

View: Unknown

Date: Unknown

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to!” Just Please! Please! Please…”

Chapter One

View: Vaselia

Date: September Seventh

First day of high school and I was totally and completely ready. Not.

“I don’t know if I should wear this anymore, I mean, what if people think I’m trying to like overdo it or something? Or what if I come off to be stuck up?” I paced back and forth in my room, frantically asking questions aloud when the only one in the room besides me, was my cat.

My cat, Cosmo, lay on my bed staring at me with his big green eyes. His head was slightly cocked to side, giving a confused cat look.

“I know, I know, you probably have no idea what I’m saying but, come on! I feed you, I pet you, and I let you lay on my bed! What do I get out of it?” I groaned falling back on my bed next to Cosmo and looked up at my ceiling.

Cosmo immediately started to purr and rub against the side of my face.

Giggling, I pushed him to the side “Sorry kitty cat, I got to get ready to go,”

Putting on my necklace, I walked over to my mirror. My makeup was already done and my long blonde hair that touched down to the middle of my stomach was straightened. Well most of it, the rest of the choppy layers were left with the natural wave making them stick out a bit while I left my bangs to curve towards my face.

“Hey! Your rides here,” My mom smiled opening the door.

“Oh thanks mom, I’ll be down in a second,” I smiled back.

Looking back in the mirror I took a deep breath and whispered to myself, “It’s just high school, what’s the worst that could happen?”

I gave my cat a quick pat on the head and walked out my door.

“See you later mom, love you!” I called as I walked out our front door.

Walking up to the car, my friends greeted me with a smile.

“Hey! Juliet smiled as I opened the back door. “Are you ready?”

I met Juliet back in my six grade science class when we were partnered together for the science fair, and decided to do a project on what pissed off teachers the most. We had secretly recorded ourselves annoying our teachers in varies of ways. It was worth all the detentions. I bet Mrs. Tillion regrets pairing us though, but if it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t have met Juliet that year.

Juliet had long brown hair touching down to about the same length as mine, the middle of her stomach, but she didn’t have any layers. Her hazel eyes were pretty, with long eye lashes, which she added just a bit of mascara to emphasize.

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