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Eva sat silently with the hot water mixed with herbs on her feet. Lucas was kind enough to get the supplies to help ease her foot pain. He also gave her food, even if it was against Callum's wish; Lucas decided he would be responsible for her. She ate silently as she watched Callum with his men. Callum and his men sat by the fire, laughing, talking, and eating. She did not want to admit such a thing but felt cold as the night chill hit. 

The young woman did not want to look weak in front of Callum and did not want to give him satisfaction. She noticed Lucas was sitting by the fire but would look at her now and then. Eva looked down at her food and blushed.

Eva did not know why she could not look at him but remembered the kindness he had given her. Suddenly, she heard footsteps and looked up; Lucas was before her. "Yer cold?"


Lucas chuckled. "There is no need to lie. I know yer trying to act strong, but pride is not always necessary to defeat an enemy or rival, especially with Callum." He extended his hand. "Come sit by me by the fire. I shall protect ye; ye have my word."

Eva felt her face turning warm. It almost surprised her that, for a highlander, he could be this gentle. Slowly, she held his hand and stood, taking her feet out of the water. She walked with Lucas towards the others and the bonfire. They bot sat afar from Callum, and the other men said nothing.

Callum eyed Eva, who sat beside Lucas, putting a huge handmade blanket over her. The other men spoke among themselves. 

The young woman looked up at Lucas. "By the way, where are you guys headed off to?"

"Home; we will arrive until tomorrow, but other clans will arrive."


He nodded. "They have fought alongside Callum's family for generations. Ye will see that we are facing war with other rival clans that want more land and power. We have come from a battle and won. Yet, we need more support."

Eva nodded. "I see, that makes sense. I am glad that all of you won and are well. You must be good in battle, Lucas!"

Lucas smiled. "One must be to live after the battle. We were trained since we were young lads."

"Wow, trained since childhood. It must have been tough."

Before Lucas could answer, Callum intervened. "Foolish woman, we never complained. It is an honor to be a highlander; we are born for that purpose."

Eva glared at him. "I wasn't talking to you."

"Who needs yer permission, woman." He then smirked. "By tomorrow, my men and I will return home; I have a special place for ye. Sleep well."

Callum went to tend to his horse. Eva sighed; she was nervous. Lucas noticed and sighed. "Don't show him any kind of weakness; he will take advantage of it."

"Easier said than done, Lucas. Why does he act like an ass?" The other men chuckled and tried to refrain from laughing. 

Lucas let out a chuckle. "He wasn't always like this when we were lads. Let's just say he didn't have a good father to teach him how to be a good man. His mother died when he was a child; she was the only good influence on him."

"Oh, I see. It's still no excuse to act such a way."

"Be as it may, Callum is the way he is, and no one was able to change him." Lucas let out an amused smile. "Maybe ye can change him. Yer becoming a challenge for him."

The young woman rolled her eyes. "Well, no matter what he has in store for me, I'm not going to let him get his way."

Lucas smiled. "I look forward to that."

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