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Lucas felt his world go still as he saw Eva finally open her eyes. He wanted to scream out of joy but felt his voice was vacant. Instead, he wrapped his arms around her. "Eva, yer awake! Thank the gods that ye live!"

Eva felt a bit weak and was trying to regain her sight. She looked around and was in a room with Lucas. She slowly patted him on the head. "Lucas."

Lucas gently put her down. He let out a sigh of relief. "Many of us were worried about ye. It was a miracle that ye lived!"

Eva remembered what happened during the games and her life and death experience. She also remembered her wound. Slowly, Eva touched where the arrow struck; there was no wound. "So I guess I'm not entirely insane," she thought. "Lucas, how long have I been out?"

"For a while, but ye still need rest. However, the doctor informed Callum, Fendus, and me about somethin' interestin'. That yer wound healed itself."

Eva let out a slight cringe. "So, I guess what I saw and experienced was true," she whispered.

"What did ye say?" asked Lucas.

Eva was silent but then looked at Lucas, holding his hand. "Lucas, you and I are friends, right?"

"Aye." Deep down, Lucas was saddened, but he accepted that Eva would only see him in that way.

Eva felt a little nervous but thought she needed to let it out. She also didn't have the opportunity to tell anyone her truth. "I'm going to tell you something I haven't told anyone, not even Mirda. You can believe me or not, but this is the truth."

Lucas nodded. "Speak, Eva. What do ye want to tell me?"

"Would you believe me if I told you I am not from this period?"

Lucas raised an eyebrow, confused. "What?"

"I'm trying to say that I wasn't born in this country or your time. I'm from the distant future from the 2000s."

The middle-aged man couldn't wrap his mind around what Eva had just told him. "I-I don't know what to say or think, Eva. I'm beyond words."

Eva let out a sigh. "I know it's hard to believe me and what I'm telling you makes no sense. I can't blame you. Have you ever heard of a goddess named Aine?"

Lucas cringed a bit. "Aine? Our people don't worship that goddess, but that was the goddess that Callum's mother worshipped."

"Cara, right?"

"How did ye know her name? Ye were never told you about his mother."

"I know. While I was unconscious, you can say that I was between life and death. Aine appeared to me; she's why I am here, in your era. She told me about Callum's mother."

It was silent between the two. Lucas was surprised that Eva knew the name of Callum's mother and the goddess Aine. Lucas didn't know much about the goddess, but Callum did tell him that his mother was from Ireland and worshipped many gods and goddesses from her homeland. "Aine appeared to ye; why?"

Eva debated whether or not to tell Lucas the reason. In the end, she decided to keep the reason to herself. "Aine told me I have an important task, but she didn't go into more detail." The young woman felt a bit bad for lying. However, Eva thought it might complicate the situation if she told Lucas it was about Callum. "I know it's hard to believe, trust me, if I were you, I would feel the same way. Please believe me, Lucas. What I am telling you is the truth."

Lucas sat silently as he looked at Eva. He squeezed her hand gently. "If ye were from another time, it explains yer temper."

Both laughed.

"Anyway, promise me you will tell no one this. I will eventually tell them the truth, but now it's not the right time."

"Aye, I promise."


Callum and Fendus arrived at the dungeons. In a particular cell, the clan leaders and a couple of men surrounded a man. Bruises covered the man's face and body; blood dripped from his nose and lips. He was breathing heavily. 

"Did he speak?"

"This one is stubborn; he was trained for these situations, Callum," said Baird.

"He may be one of the enemy clans, but we need to know which one. Are we out of torture methods?" asked Fendus.

Callum stood in front of the man, thoughtful. An idea came up to him; it was disgusting, but if he wanted information, he would have to use drastic measures. "There is one way we can get the information we need. However, none of ye will like my idea."

All clan leaders, even the assassin, looked at Callum.

"What do ye have in mind?" asked Fendus.

"It involves horses, but I'm not thinkin' trampling. I'm thinking of another form a torture. It's a form of torture that can break a man's spirit and manhood."

All clan leaders were thoughtful, then they understood. All men shivered in disgust. "Ye cannot be serious! That's disgusting," said Scoras.

Callum ignored him as his eyes were still on the assassin. The assassin finally understood what Callum was thinking; he trembled with fear. "I will tell ye! I will tell ye! Please, have mercy on me. I was ordered!"

Callum mentally sighed. "It worked. To break a man, threaten their dignity. It's what my father said." He composed himself as he eyed the assassin. "Aye, I shall give ye mercy; tell me everything."

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