Ewan Irongrass

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Callum and Fendus walked to the meeting hall. Both were silent; tension was felt between them. The closer they walked, the more their warriors stood near the meeting hall. Word spread of Ewan Irongrass' arrival; everyone had to think of the worst-case scenario. The other clan leaders stood by the doorway when they got there, waiting. 

"How many men does Irograss have with him?" asked Callum. 

"About twenty of them; he says he wants to talk," said Baird.

Callum was silent for a while, but he and the clan leaders entered with their men behind them. Inside, there were about twenty men with their swords by their side. They all wore black and green checkered kilts with brown loose-fitting shirts. The men made a pathway for the clan leaders, their eyes never leaving them. 

Callum's men got inside the meeting hall; their swords were by their side and were ready to strike if need be. The clan leaders took their seats, looking at everyone in attendance. 

One of them stood out from the crowd. The man stood at five feet and eight inches tall and wore the same clothing style as his men but wore a long tunic. His eyes were light blue; his nose was long and crooked. He had long thin lips that looked as if they were transparent and went along his pale skin. He had slight wrinkles on the side of his lips. The man was bald with many freckles on his head and face; he also was a little overweight. "The clan leaders together again. How good it is that we all meet like this."

"It's been a while, Ewan. Whenever ye arrive uninvited, it's always bad news," said Fendus.

Ewan acted as if the statement hurt him. "Ye hurt me, Fendus. Ye haven't changed; bed wenches are still insufficient for ye?"

Fendus felt his lips twitching but said nothing. 

"Are ye here to offend us? Ye wouldn't be here without reason," stated Scoras.

"Aye, I'm here to visit Callum to see how he is doing. Word spreads in the lands of an attempt on his life."

Callum glared at Ewan. "Nice of ye to visit, but I lived through the attempt to my fortune."

Ewan chuckled. "We all see ye in the flesh. Word also spread that a beautiful lass stopped the attempt. I hear that her hair is white as the moon, her skin is like milk, and her eyes are blue as the sky. She sounds majestic."

Callum and Fendus flinched. "He knows about Eva!?" Callum asked himself. "The traitor must have told him, but why!?" Callum composed himself.  "Word does spread, but people do like exaggerate."

"Really now? So the lass does not exist? It is said that a woman in that description shielded ye from the attack."

Fendus was losing his patience. "Ye seem to know much. I wonder how ye got word."

Ewan smirked as he shrugged his shoulders. "I find my ways; I can be a clever man."

"Well, yer not here for a good reason. What are ye after?" asked Roban.

"Why do ye all think the worst of me? Can I  just visit?"

The clan leaders held their stern faces. "I know yer after our lands. If ye came here to threaten us, then yer wasting yer time. Ye know we will fight to the death," said Athdar.

Ewan let out a laugh. His laugh echoed throughout the room. "Oh, I know ye will try. I got word that Callum stopped my allied clans, but don't think that will stop me. Anyway, I believe that I will take my leave and will let ye enjoy yer moments." 

"What do ye mean by that?" asked Callum.

Ewan stopped midway but didn't look at him. "Ye will soon see. Take care." He and his men walked out of the castle with his men. Callum's men made sure the Irongrass clan went out of the castle. 

The Irongrass clan made it outside, getting on their horses and going their way. Ewan, on the other hand, couldn't stop smirking to himself. He knew that Callum was hiding the woman who supposedly saved him. His spy did tell him that the woman lives. He had an idea in mind.


Eva was alone in the room, lying on her bed. She was getting tired of doing nothing, for she felt no pain. Aine seemed to heal her wound. The young woman sat up and was about to get off the bed but stopped in her tracks when she saw the door opening.

She was shocked when Anne entered the room and closed the door behind her. Anne had a crazed smile while holding the knife in her hand.

Highlander's Conquestजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें