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The following day, many of the castle's occupants are beginning to wake. Callum, however, was already awake. Last night, the highlander couldn't sleep; he could only think about the possible traitor and Eva. Fendus had spent much time with her yesterday; Callum felt it was time to speak with her. As he walked toward Eva's room, he saw someone standing by the wall as if waiting for him. Callum stopped in his tracks as the person stood in front of him. 

"Lord Callum."

"Anne, good morning to ye. What do ye want?"

Anne stood quietly for a moment but spoke. "Is it true that the woman lives?"

Callum raised an eyebrow. "Eva? Aye, she lives. That upsets ye?"

The young woman bit her lower lip. "Word spreads, but I saw ye when the arrow hit her. Yer eyes were filled with horror and worry for that woman." Anne glared at him, tears forming. "Do ye hold feelings for her?" Callum began to walk forward, ignoring Anne as he went past her. Anne ran in front of him again, blocking his pathway.  "Ye do! I see it in yer eyes! Callum, have the time we spent together mean nothing to ye!?"

The highlander glared at Anne; he was getting impatient. However, deep down, he knew that he used Anne for pleasure. Callum also realized that Eva almost died saving him, even though he treated her horribly. Everything that happened was because of him. For the first time, he felt guilt. "Why?" he asked himself. Callum shook himself. "Believe what ye want, Anne; I won't argue with ye."

"Answer me, Callum! I deserve at least that!" yelled Anne as a tear fell from her eye. 

"I only used ye, Anne. All I wanted was pleasure from ye; I never loved ye and never will. Ye were easy to persuade like the many women I have laid with. Ye and those women were never different." Callum walked the other way.

Anne couldn't hold in her tears anymore and ran to Callum again. "Ye don't mean that! I know ye had feelings for me! Ye-!" Suddenly, Callum grabbed Anne's neck, lifted her, and pushed her onto the wall. She saw that he was angry.

"Listen to me and listen well, servant! Ye were nothing more than a bed wench that was easy picking! Ye gave yerself to me willing, and ye only can blame yerself." Callum squeezed her neck tightly, making Anne fight for breath. "I can kill ye now; no one will care. I can do that so ye can leave me in peace." Suddenly, Callum let her go; Anne fell onto the floor, trying to regain her breathing. 

"I-I will tell that fiance of yers! I-"

Callum chuckled. "Go ahead, I never cared for her; Fendus knows of this. All will know, ye will make it easier for the word to spread." His demeanor changed. "After ye spread the word, I never want to see ye in this castle again. I will order my men to take ye out by force. If ye refuse to obey, I will let them have their way with ye and throw ye to the street." He went on his way, leaving Anne alone, crying.

Anne and Callum didn't know that someone was watching in the shadows. The unknown person walked out of their hiding place and went to Anne. "Such harsh words from yer Lord, isn't it?" 

The young woman looked up. "Y-Ye heard everything!? I-"

"Aye, ye have been treated like ye were nothing. I can understand; I have seen the cruelties Callum has done during his time as Clan leader. I feel anger at how he treats those beneath him. However, Eva seems to have changed him. She is the reason for yer sadness, lass."

Anne stared at the person. "Aye, she is the one that has caused my suffering."

"Then do what ye must." The person motioned Anne a knife. "When she is alone, it will be yer moment to strike. Once she is gone, all yer troubles will go."

Anne got a hold of the knife; a crazed smile made its way to her lips.


Callum made it to Eva's room; he stood in front of the wooden door. He felt his heart beating rapidly. The highlander gave a knock on the door. "Who is it?" asked Eva.

"It-It is I, Callum. May I enter?" 

It was silent until the door opened; it was Fendus. The two men were surprised to see one another. "Morning, Callum. I'm surprised ye came here early in the morning," said Fendus.

"Aye, ye stayed here all night?"

"I did; I wanted to make sure Eva was safe. Why are ye here?"

Callum glared at Fendus. "If I remember, this is my castle. I can be wherever I please; I also wish to speak with Eva." 

Fendus walked out of the room, keeping his stance. "What do ye wish to speak about? Ye-"

"Fendus." Both men looked into the room where Eva sat on the bed. "He can come in. I know he has a lot to say. Don't worry about me; I will be fine." Fendus felt uneasy leaving the two alone but knew how stubborn Eva was. 

"Alright, lass. I will be outside."

The men glared at each other; Fendus stood outside the room while Callum closed the door behind him. Callum and Eva were alone and looked at one another. Callum felt his face turning warm; he noticed a slight blush on Eva's cheeks. "I-I- well, how are ye feeling?"

"I-I'm good. I feel good as new, but Fendus insists that I rest more. H-How about you? Are you okay?"

"I-I am well, thank ye. Ye saved my life, and I th-thank ye."

Eva let out a smile. "Yeah, it's no problem." 

There was an awkward silence between them, but Callum spoke. "Why did ye do it, lass? I admit that I made yer life miserable, but ye took the arrow in my place. Why?"

"I-I can't explain it. You can say that I don't like watching people die."

"Yet, ye saved a man like me. I enslaved ye, and ye still saved me."

Eva put her arms around herself. "I know. Even though you acted like an ass towards me, you still don't deserve to die, Callum. People act a certain way due to the environment they grew up in. You probably acted the way you did because you thought it was expected from you or didn't have good role models."

Callum's eyes were wide; Eva didn't blame him entirely. He felt his heart beating more rapidly; his entire body turned warm. "I-I am sorry, lass. I am sorry for treating ye the way I did. I thank ye for saving my life."

The young woman blushed. "Your welcome."

"I'm forever in yer debt, Eva."

This surprised the young woman; Callum never called her by her name. "Was Aine, right? Is Callum changing? Is he-?"  Eva's thoughts were interrupted when Fendus knocked and opened the door. His demeanor was grave. 

"Apologies for the intrusion. Callum, I have received word from one of our men that visitors are outside the castle."


"It's Ewan Irongrass."

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