World of Words

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Eva tried and tried to open the door, but it was futile. She screamed, but no one came. Eva gave up after so many attempts. She put her back on the door, slipped down, and sat on the floor. "Great, I can't get out! I can't stay in here," she told herself. However, she began to get nervous, believing no one would find her.

She shook her head, telling herself not to be negative. She sat for about a couple of minutes and then got up and walked around the room. Eva was restless, trying to think of ways to open the door. Then, something caught her eye.

A book.

"Strange, I don't remember that book."

There was no glass covering it. Eva looked around; there were no cameras, which was strange to her, but she ignored them. She went to the book and softly touched it. To her, it felt soft, so soft that it could rip. However, Eva was careful not to harm the book. Excitement filled her. Never would she imagine that she would touch a historical book in a museum.

When Eva looked at the book, the writing seemed as faint. There were some words that she could read. She turned from one page to another, and there was one word that she noticed.

Callum. "Woah, that's strange; his name is on almost all pages. Is it about him? Did he write it?" She then looked at the statue. "I wonder what kind of character he was," she wondered.

Suddenly, the room turned to pitch dark; nothing could be seen. This shocked Eva; she put her hands away from the book. Eva could not see anything, she tried to remember where the door was, but she thought she could damage some of the museum's property if she tried.

"Ye are the one. The one who will change him," said a feminine voice. 

Eva froze for a moment. "Who's there!? Can  you help me get out!?"

There was no response. She was about to sit on the floor, but the ground began to shake violently.

Eva screamed for help, but no one heard her pleas.

A light lit the room, but not the entire room. Eva turned, and the light came from the book. The book was shaking as the light went out of it.

She could not believe her eyes that this was happening. Before Eva could react, she felt a strong pull in the entire room. It was as if there was a black hole within the book. Many things were being sucked in. Eva felt like being pulled into the book. She struggled to get away, but it was futile. She was getting drawn towards it.

She cried for help, but nothing. Eva lost her balance, floated mid-air, and was pulled into the book.

A total force filled her body, and it was almost painful. She tried to yell, but she could not hear herself. It was all too much for her, and she closed her eyes.

Unconsciousness consumed her.





What is this feeling?

Strange, it feels nice, but why?

Slowly, I began to open my eyes. It is nice. The wind hit my face in an almost gentle manner. Strangely enough, I felt something soft on my right cheek. It felt like a soft hand. "Wake, young maiden. Ye have a duty to fulfill," said a feminine voice.


I opened my eyes completely.

I-I am outside, but what was strange is that I am on some hill, and there is no city!

No museum!

Where in the hell am I!?

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