The box of Italian food also brought back memories of when Zayn’s father first confronted him about his weight when he was ten. Dinner wasn’t ever the same for him ever since that night. Dinner was supposed to be about eating and enjoying time with your family while discussing each other’s day; to Zayn, it was just a torturous time where he had to force himself not to pick up the fork to dig into his food and to expect an insult to shoot from his father’s mouth like a bullet.

Zayn takes out the box of pizza and plants it onto the table. He opens it up and sees three slices of pepperoni pizza. He picks up the first slice and holds it to his lips. The cold feeling matched Zayn’s train of thought as he whispers to himself, “I’ll show you perfect,” and finally takes a bite out of the slice.

The rest is history as he scarves down the three slices of pizza in no time. He never saw himself in this position where someone would hurt him so bad to the point where he just gave up and binged on food. It wasn’t just Liam’s fault; it was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Everything was leading up to this point and Liam drove him over the edge.

Zayn feels a sudden sickness and rubs his hand against his stomach. Not only was he full, but he was over capacitated. His body wasn’t used to all this food at once. Zayn runs to the bathroom and gets onto his knees, followed by lifting the toilet seat and vomiting all over the bowl of water. The food inside his system was just barfed out without any permission. He grabs a piece of toilet paper and wipes his mouth and throws it into the toilet before flushing. Zayn’s back leans against the wall as he just sits there, his body shaking and tears showering his cheeks. Sadness was the right adjective to describe Zayn because he felt so alone and confused. He didn’t want to feel this way but didn’t have much of a choice in that matter since he was raised by asshole parents.

He stands up and walks over to the sink to wash his mouth, not being able to stand the taste of vomit in his mouth any longer. He rinses his mouth and face, the cold water bringing him back to reality. His eyes look up at the mirror to get a better look at himself. His eyes were a light red and his chest was pumping up and down from all the panting and heavy breathing. “Why? Why me? Why can’t my life ever be easy?” he complains to himself.

Zayn sighs and flicks off the lights while walking out. He runs back upstairs and grabs his phone that he threw at the ground, relieved it wasn’t cracked or anything of that matter. He just needed someone to be there so he didn’t feel like he didn’t matter. He wanted that support and comfort he thought Liam offered—he was clearly wrong for thinking that.

Zayn opens up a new message and texts Luke, hoping he’d answer quickly.

To: Luke

Message: Hey Lukey, can you please pick me up? I really need someone…

His message is sent and Zayn paces back and forth beside his bed. He was counting on Luke and had no choice but to put all his eggs in one basket. Zayn’s phone vibrates and he checks for Luke’s response, his lip being bit in the process.

From: Luke

Message: Hey love! Of course my princess! I’ll be over at your place in five. :)

That was a definite breather for Zayn. He pulls himself together and slips on a red beanie so he looks presentable and heads back downstairs. He was tempted to leave a note—it’s not like his parents would care anyways. They’d probably be much happier if they came home to seeing in a newspaper headline that their son was murdered.

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