Ch. 67: Female Robbery

Start from the beginning

And I do just that. To my awoken cries of my mother downstairs, and my quickness to the noise. My distraction. Everything to when Ledger answered the phone instead of Jake. The choke out, and how my mother is here at the hospital.

"Do you want to wait for her until she is cleared." His hand rests on mine, as we cuddle on the side of the bed.

"She's kind of mad at me right now. I'm making her press charges on him. I highly doubt she wants me to stay with her."

"I don't want you to be alone in your house."

"I'll be fine. Ledger doesn't know where I live."

"Yes, he does." He says immediately.

"What?" My heart sinks.

"That night when we were supposed to have sex the first time- they caught me outside your house. He.... he went into your house that night."


"Seconds passed. Seconds turn to minutes, and I'm left confused. A thump is made outside my bedroom door, my heart rising. It's just Jake. Finally. The footsteps continue up towards my bedroom I'm assuming. I sit up, my smile wide for him.

Then the footsteps stop. A buzz came next.

The footsteps went back downstairs. My mind says to open that door and demand Jake to know what he is doing, the other is more confused to the fact that Jake didn't wear shoes to go outside. His shoes are sitting right in front of me.

Those footsteps were not bare."

"No, no, no." I chant, my thoughts going to back to that embarrassing night. I thought he had rejected me. That he chickened out and decided against the idea of being with me. But I remember.

I remember the footsteps and how I was confused for a moment why Jake didn't enter the room.

Because it wasn't Jake.


"He was going to rape you that night, but I begged and begged. Told him I'd stop seeing you. Ever since then he's had this eye on me, and I thought he would relent and move on with someone else, but he never did."

"What about my mom? What if she's home alone, and he-" I begin to panic.

"He doesn't bother with parents. If anything he'll just take you without her knowing."

"Wow, that makes me feel so much better." I cross my arms.

"I'm sorry, baby." He rests his hands on my elbows.

"It's not your fault." I begin to think for a moment. Where can I stay for the night? "Could I stay with Reese?" I pause. "She lives so close though, and I can't stay with you because surely he'd know I'd be there. Alice as well." My thoughts became too much until, "Lauren? She lives a block away, in another neighborhood. She still lives close to my house, but not as close as Reese's."

"That bitch?" Jake scowls.

"Hey." I slap his arm lightly. "She's my best friend- well... my old best friend."

"I'm assuming Alice took that spot."

"No." My eyes looking at him lovingly. "You did." His cheeks turn pink, and he hides in my neck, arms low on butt this time. His hands massaging the cheeks, which just causes my cheeks on my face to redden as well. "Who's being shy now?" I pester.

"Shush." He kisses my neck. "I'm your boyfriend, not your best friend."

"Who says you can't be both?" My heart pulsing at the fact he referred to himself as my boyfriend. I'm so glad he's over that boyfriend-girlfriend is a childish thing.

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