❃Meeting The Devil❃

Start from the beginning

I'm happy. I have my father. And I have my mother. Just few minutes ago, I was the saddest girl on the planet, yet now my day has been turned around. "Now, does anyone want to tell me why I have been released from the spell. What chanced your mind?" My father asks, I feel like he is more asking my mom, than me. Since she is the one who had the spell in the first place and stuff. She looks down on the floor, then she takes the ruby that was on the bed.

"Lucifer, I had to protect our daughter, now that she is safe. I saw no harm in allowing you two to meet" She says, but I feel like that isn't the whole truth. There is something else she is not telling us. I don't know why I can feel this stuff. I always feel something and it is always the truth. Perhaps it's a new power that I didn't realize that I had. "With me, she would never be in danger" he says, he is kind of angry. But I do hope this doesn't turn out to be an argument. I've already had enough of those.

Jason and I were fighting just like two hours ago and I'm still trying to recover from that, not sure of I ever will. "I can assure you, she would be dead if left with you" my mother says, and now I feel like they are definitely arguing and I'm in the middle, just trying not to be a part of this. Which, is really hard since this is all about me and my safety. But, isn't everyone telling me that I can't die? So why should everyone be worrying about me dying?

"Daphne, she is my daughter, and you took her from me. If it were up to me, you would be in the cage for what you did to me" my father says. She gasps at his words and I can see tears from in her eyes, but she is trying her best to hide them. I have no idea what they are talking about right now. I feel like this is turned out to be bigger than I thought. For some reason, I feel like it wasn't such a good idea to bring my father here and break that spell.

Not that I don't love him, I care for the both of them. But, seeing them like this together is only making me feel worse and I haven't exactly had the best day in the world. "You monster. You know very well that the cage is just the cruelest thing in the world" she yells at him, they are now both standing and yelling at each other while, I am just sitting on the bed watching them argue about some 'cage'. I don't even know what that is, or why they are arguing about it. The yelling and screaming hurts my heart so bad.

I hold Shadow in my arms, and all I want to do right now is leave. I thought meeting my father would be a good thing, but I feel like it isn't anymore. I've done it again. Hurting the people I love. My father just wanted to see me, but he saw me and my mother. My mother on the other hands, wanted to see him, but she has a burning hate for him, I can tell. They love each other, yet they hate each other. I stand up and walk past them, they are so heated in their argument that they aren't even noticing that I have already gone out of the room.

Tears roll down my cheeks as I hold Shadow closer to me, just hugging him. Trying to find comfort somewhere. I honestly thought this would be a good thing. But it isn't. I've come to realize that everyone I am around gets hurt in the end, and the people I care about are always ending up hurt, which make me hurt. And everyone gets hurt. I wish things wouldn't be like this. I just want a normal life now more than anything in the world, but that is so much to ask for.

I know I will never have a normal life. That part me has died, it died the same day I met Jason. I set Shadow down on the couch when I walk down the stairs. Wiping the tears I make my way outside. I feel emotionless right now. I want to feel sad, but I can't. I'm beyond sad, right now. As I walk further away from the house, their screams nod yell fade away from my ears. I don't know where I am walking or where I am going.

I'm just kind of walking and letting my feet take me somewhere, I don't really care where. Just had to get away from that. Then first time I see my father is not like I had imagined it to be like. I wanted him to hug me, and hug my mom, which he did. And we would talk about our lives and what will happen in the future. We would all get along, and have fun. And both of them would help me get over my break up with Jason and help me become happy once again. I was happy in there, for about two minutes.

Until they started fighting and then I became sad again. It reminded me that I can't feel happiness in this world. Each and every time I feel happy, I somehow manage to ruin it, one way or another. And it's always because of me. I bear the fault of everything. Just makes me realize that I was never intended to be happy. Besides, I was never supposed to be real in the first place. I'm the mistake of an angel and the devil, how messed up can that be? My feet have gotten sore from all the walking.

I don't know where I am, yet somehow everything around me seems familiar to me. Like I have been here before, I just can't put me finger on it. Now that I look around me, I see that I am in a neighborhood. Don't know how I got here, I mostly had my head down, watching the ground as I walked somewhere. I was so deep in thoughts that I didn't know where my feet where taking me. Honestly I don't mind. I had to get away from there. I don't have a phone on me right now.

I'm going to be here for a while. I don't know the way back. I stop in front of a house. When I take a closer look at the house I realize that I've been here before, and I know why I've been here. I know this neighborhood because I used to live in that house for some time. Without even knowing it, my brain let my feet take me to a place I used to live in and know very well, and I have no idea why. But, I do know that this is Jason's house.

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