Chapter 9

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"Nooo. Let it go you big bully!" I shout at Chris who held the poor fish he caught over my head.

"It is food Maya, we gotta eat. I am sorry"

"It lives peacefully here and we are the ones coming here and disturbing it. That's not fair"

"You said that too the last time I caught that one too"

"But.. But.. That was so small! We needed to let it go, let it grow and live for awhile "

He groans, "Maya someone else is going to come and catch it anyway"

"So? We are not someone" I grabbed the front of his shirt to hang out while he spins around trying to talk what he thinks make sense into me.

"You are not a Vegetarian anyway. You eat meat and fish. What's the difference?"

"Okay it is difficult. I don't want to watch it die. I saw the creature and feel emotionally attached. How can I let it die now. The meat we get from shops? I don't feel attatched to the creature it belongs to"

"You are feeling emotionally attached to a fish" he laughs "That's ridiculous!"

I put my hands on my hips and glare at him,"It is not"

"It is and your cuteness won't win me over this time, I'm sorry"

He calls me cute again! Wow. I almost let him win. Almost. But I can't be selfish. I have a life to save!

"I know you are being like this because you are upset and drunk"

"I did drink beer a bit but I am not drunk"

I doubt that. Before he take me here, the place I wanted to visit for ages, I saw him fighting with Gina.

I bend down to cup some water in my hands then throwing at him! "I'll call for... Poseidon"

"You wana play Maya?" he arch his brow.

He finally let the fish go making me sigh in relief. Until he came towards me, "What are you doing?"

He grins widely at me making me somehow guess what he was about to do,

"CHRISTOPHER I SWEAR-" Before I could even finish my sentence he lunged at me and we both fell in to the water.


The water feels slimy. I feel like a cat trying to get out of the water while Chris keeps pulling me back.

As annoyed as I am, I can let it go because I am with him. I am laughing like I hadn't in such a long time. He is trying his best to give me a good time. I appreciate that too.

By the time we were done playing in the water, I was shivering. I am lucky that I bought my lucky sweater. I didn't have time to being some sugar and potassium permanganate though so I was very distressed on our way here but fortunately Chris bought a lighter so he is able to make fire. Even though we don't have any fish to fry, we are enjoying the cheese burgers.

"Christopher, do you think I'm a food digger?"

"A what?" he looks confused and funny with his mouth full with food.

"You know, like gold digger? A food digger?"

"Uhh No, you are not a food digger"

"That's good then. But it doesn't sound so bad. If I don't make it through college I think I will become a burger digger"

He laughs, "Okay. We both know that's not happening"

"Are you being friends with me only out of pity?"

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