Chapter Seventeen: Lights of the Legion

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Andy/Prophet's POV
I was in the Void.

I sat up and saw Veronyx and Amity in the distance speaking in hushed tones.

"The Reaper took their Lights?" Asked Veronyx.

"Yes, can you do something about it? " asked Amity.

"Why didn't you stop them?!" I yelled at Veronyx, "You let them take Angel and Saviour's powers. They're going to die and none of this would've happened if you had stayed with the Legion after the Others incident."

"Prophet! Let me answer—."

"Why would we have the conversation about stolen Lights and immediately hear that my children are dying?! Are you the true villain? Because I'd like to know."

Amity turned away, not even looking me in the eyes. Veronyx stood tall, her voice becoming stern.

"Don't you dare think of me like that! I am not your enemy, although it is coincidental that that had happened. Thankfully, I do have a solution but the recipient for it is the Mystic. I am deeply sorry for what's happened. I'll make this right, I'm on your side!"

A light shone through the Void and I awoke.


I got out of bed, turning to see tears running down Amity's face.

She's probably still mad at me..., I thought.

I headed to the falls, going to the cliff overlooking the Camp.

I needed space to breathe.

Amity/Psyche's POV
A knock at the door woke me up. I got out of bed and opened it.

"Good morning Amity. May I come in?"

I nodded and let Jinxx in.

"Veronyx contacted me and told me a way to get your daughters' Lights back. And before you ask...yes, she did explain everything to me and I'm very sorry. But back to the matter at hand, you must do as I say or this might not work."

He explained to me that my connection as the Matriarch is still active—which explains my power to control ash—which will also prove useful. He asked if I remembered the blood crystals, I said yes.

"Lie down on the floor, close your eyes and listen closely. Use your ash and your power as the Psyche to find their Lights."

I did so and after concentrating enough, I felt them in the Sanctuary. After a minute, I found them.

"They're in the Reaper's staff," I told Jinxx, "He embedded them in it."

"Try to mix your powers of light and dark to see if you can retrieve them."

I felt my body change and suddenly I became the Matriarch again, only this time, I was in control. I materialized in the room and went up to the Reaper. He looked at me and smiled. I mirrored him and used my serpent tail, wrapping it around the staff.

"Isn't it beautiful? Though I believe, you might not agree, Psyche."

He knows...

I quickly pulled it out of his hands and released a bright light to blind them. I slithered off to the Serpent Chamber and broke off the crystals, still in my full Martiarch form. Holding them in my hand, I reverted and my surroundings returned to that of my dorm.

I opened my eyes.

"Incredible! Your appearance changes according to which connection you use. You had your full Serpent Matriarch appearance when you began, now you look like you had when you discovered your ash powers."

"I was in the Sanctuary," I told him, "But, the Reaper knows I'm not the Matriarch anymore."

I looked down at my ash-covered closed hand. I opened it and saw two blood red crystals, one giving off a lilac glow and the other an icy blue.

"You got 'em!" He exclaimed, "Now, close your eyes again extract their Lights from them using your connection to the Soul of the Legion."

The ash fell away and I felt my fangs disappear. I also felt the purity of my daughters' Lights.

"Now," said Jinxx, "I'll go get Dawn and Eve."

I nodded. I heard him get up and knock on the door. Three pairs of footsteps came towards me slowly. And a pair of hands rested on each of mine.

"Release them and open your eyes."

I saw two small lights rise and fly to their respective host, lilac to Evangeline and icy blue to Dawn.

Their pale and frail appearance was given life again.

"Thank you Uncle Jinxx, thank you Mom," they both said.

"Anything for you," I replied, smiling.

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