Chapter Eight: Rendezvous With A Fallen Angel

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Jake's POV
Something was wrong.

I sat up in my bed. I closed my eyes and focused on the problem.

I saw a small detail, cursive letters, they spelled out:

A. Mynver-Biersack

It was written within the pentacharm, the Legion symbol.

The Psyche

My eyes shot open. I quickly got out of bed, got dressed and headed for Andy's dorm.


I banged on the door and waited. Impatiently, but I waited. A very sleepy Andy opened the door.

"Dude, it's early as fuck in the morning, the girls are still asleep, what are you doing here?" Andy rubbed his temples which were hidden under his messy hair.

"Something's wrong, I don't know what but it has to do with...

Andy was suddenly wide awake. He grabbed me by my shoulders.

"What do you mean her?"

"That's the thing. I told you I don't know. If it were about anything else, Jinxx would've come and told you. Wait--" A very bad possibility popped into my head, "Shit."

"What?" Asked Andy, letting go of me.

I hesitated a little.

"I'm the Mourner, right? I communicate with the deceased."

"Fuck..." The idea clicked in his head.

"Yeah, she's trying to tell us something. The only way to know is to bury her ashes--"

"--With Eve Black, the Messenger," he finished.

"Yeah," I said.

"We'll discuss this later, you want to come in?"

"I suppose."

We talked about how Amity had never told us where she buried Eve but I told Andy that Jinxx and I could use our powers to try to find her.

We waited til later to go. Once Jinxx arrived, we made a connection to Eve and she gave me a location.

Andy, Ash, CC, Jinxx and I left in search of her tomb, taking Amity's urn with us. After a while, we realized she was buried close to the Sanctuary, dangerously close.

A boulder stood there, acting as a beacon. It was here.

A hidden door revealed itself to us.

Everyone else passed through. However, when I was going to enter, the urn didn't go in.

I pulled with all my might and a force sent me flying out the door and into the sand. The urn fell and opened, ashes spilling everywhere.

Andy went to help put the ashes back into the urn but stopped, eyes wide.

I followed his gaze. I picked up a flake of ash and studied it. Then, I realized the F.E.A.R insignia could be faintly seen if you held it to the light.

The ashes also had a different texture.

These were the remains of a Shadow...

I felt like an idiot when I remembered that Shadow ashes were like butchered paper and and the ashes of the cremated were almost powdery.

How did I not notice this years ago?!

Blinded by sorrow, the Amity we found dead years ago wasn't her.

Who knows what could've happened to her? If we didn't find her that day, then what exactly happened on the night of the New Years Day?

Andy...? I told him, she might still be alive.

I know, said Andy, but where would she be?

I released the ashes into the desert and followed the others into Eve's Resting Place.

I felt my power grow stronger the deeper we went.

We gathered around Eve's coffin.

"Woah!" Said Ash, "Your eyes are glowing!"

I looked into the crystal-clear lake and saw my eyes had completely turned white.

A white aura surrounded the coffin and a light blinded us.

When the light faded, a dark winged figure was sitting on the coffin.

Eve Black, the Messenger...

"Hello Mourner, you look like you've seen a ghost," she said, giggling slightly.

"Why did I get the premonition of Amity's 'remains'?"

"I gave you that to tell you her soul needs rescuing."

"She's missing, so what does that mean?" Asked Andy.

"Can't tell you that, sorry. But I can tell you this..."


"How much time has passed since your last visit to the Void?"

"14 years, why?"

"My suspicions are right, something's gone wrong. The Psyche would've been able to give you her visions even after death. She hasn't been spotted upstairs either. You need to break into the Sanctuary and see what's cooking on their side."

She began to fade.

"How soon?" Asked Jake.

"When you're all ready. Prophet, that means your daughters as well."

And with that, she left.

~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~

Returning to the Camp, we each went to do our own things. I still had some doubts, though. I then went to get the Wild Ones together at the Congregation.

I lit the fire and waited.

"Mourner, what happened?"

I saw the others at their podiums.

"When are we going to put together a plan to 'save the Psyche's soul'? The Messenger seemed pretty urgent when she told us."

"We can do that here," said Mystic, "It seems that the Matriarch finally shows herself after the Psyche disappears. Perhaps her soul and power were used to bring the Matriarch here, almost like a sacrifice."

"Or her existence was holding the Matriarch back?"

"But what about the missing Legionnaires? These past attacks have resulted in some of our Brothers and Sisters in Arms disappearing. Does the Matriarch have something to do with this?" Declared Deviant.

"I say, let's gather our ranks and storm the Sanctuary. We're bound to get an answer," proposed Destroyer.

"Let's not put the remaining fighters at risk. What if just the Wild Ones went? We'd have our strongest at the front lines and Healer can take care of those at the Camp," I suggested.

"I'm not risking Angel and Saviour's lives! What about just the five of us?"

"The Messenger said, 'your daughters as well' Prophet. We have no choice, and besides, they're Wild Ones too. You can't keep them from harm forever. It's the truth but they'll be with us, together," Mystic assured.

Andy nodded in defeat.

"We'll need time to gather our strength then. Should we attack in two weeks?" I proposed.

Everyone nodded.

"It's decided then," said Prophet, "Wild Ones, you're dismissed."

The Legacy: Forever More (Sequel to The Legacy [LOTB Fanfic])जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें