Chapter Sixteen: Twin Fates

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Andy's POV
"Where are my daughters?"

I saw a lot of emotions in the Psyche's eyes. Anger, despair, sorrow, and pain.

She's been on such an emotional ride ever since she came back, it hurts me to know that she hasn't rested at all.

"Deviant said they were at our dorm when the Reaper appeared in the room they were in and knocked him and Destroyer out. They don't know where he took them."

I put my hands on my head just to keep myself together.

Not my girls.....not them...

A voice was faintly heard, "Outskirts! Shadows!"

We ran, disregarding the risks. My daughters were in danger.

"Through here," said Mourner, leading us through the brush and to where a clump of Shadows stood.

"Healer, Mystic, Mourner, go check up on the others, Psyche and I will take the Reaper," I commanded.

They nodded and we split up, Amity and I continuing on our way. A while later, I heard coughing behind me and saw Amity bent over catching her breath.

"What's wrong?"

"Sorry. We've been in this fight for 22 years, Prophet, we're not as young as we used to be. And it's also been a while since I've been here. Go ahead, I'll catch up," she panted.

I went ahead and saw him, the Reaper.

"You want your daughters back I assume?"

"How do you know about them?!" I asked.

"We found out about the ceremony, and the little pests that came with it, when we turned your dear wife against you. As she went mad becoming the Matriarch, she mentioned them, your daughters. Surrender the Legion and they'll be left unharmed."

Instinctively, I ran at him, but he was quick to move out of the way and struck the base of my spine with his staff.

I fell to the ground.

He placed the cold metal of the staff on my back.

"Get away from my husband!"

I felt a gust of wind and I heard a thud.

Amity helped me up.

"Mystic says, the girls are locked up in the Chapel tower," she told me.

"Tell me something I don't know."

"He's taken their powers."

Rage filled my eyes.

"Where are they?!"

"I'll show you, follow me."

We raced towards the Chapel, taking out as many Shadows as possible. Once we arrived, we forced the door open.

"Mom? Dad?"

We went in and embraced the twins.

"Dad! The Reaper, he took our powers," said Dawn in a panic.

"Yeah, we're gonna get them back, I promise, Sweetie. Don't worry."

"Dad, we're sorry for not listening to you," said Eve.

"Don't worry, we forgive you." I said.

~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~

We took the twins back to the dorm and to their room.

I got an idea then and there. Juliet could heal with her powers. She could help take care of the twins while Amity and I looked for Jinxx and a way to help them get better. We only had limited time though.

She could at least keep my daughters' life force steady while the Wild Ones and I found a way to get them their powers back.

"Get Juliet," I said, turning to my wife, "Now."

"She's with the guys, we can get her tomorrow."

"There's no time!" I yelled at her. I realized I must have glared at her, but in a way that made her eyes flicker with hurt.

Amity shot me a look, "Andy! They'll be fine for at least a few days. It's not like they'll pass in 10 minutes! Have a little faith for goodness sake!"

"Don't you think I'm trying?! They're our kids, Amity! I'm doing my best to help but it seems as though you don't even care about what happens to them!"

"Dad-" began Eve.

"Stay out of this Evangeline!" Amity snapped.

"Don't you dare talk to my daughter like that!"

"Your daughter?!" Amity scoffed, "I think you've forgotten; They're our children, Andy! I've tried to be the mother I couldn't be to them but I can't because they're fourteen damn it! Sometimes I wonder why I married you in the first place."

I could've sworn I saw tears threatening to appear in her eyes.

"You wonder why you married me?! You don't know how long I've taken care of them, oh wait, you could have cared less! Years after thinking you were gone forever you come back thinking you can easily get into the swing of things but you're not really trying."

"As if it's my fault I missed this! You don't know the hell I've been through, trying not to forget you. I've been thinking about coming back one day for those fourteen years! Unlike you, I never let go! I really am trying to put in effort to be the mother of our children that I couldn't be, so don't you tell me what I do and don't know!"

His jaw clenched.

"You know what? It's late, I'm going to bed," I stormed off to our room and collapsed on the bed.

They need to get better or I'll never forgive myself...

I overheard Amity talking to the twins. I could hear the sadness in her voice.

"You guys have never fought before, haven't you?" Asked Dawn.

"Honestly? No sweetheart, not that I remember."

"I hate it when people start yelling," said Eve.

"Me too. I'm sorry for yelling at you. Get to bed girls, tomorrow's gonna be a long day. If you'll need me, I'll be on the couch. Goodnight," said Amity.

"Goodnight Mom," the twins said in unison.

My heart became heavy and my eyes began to sting.

I was stubborn for being busy thinking about what to do to save my daughters before I lost them that I unintentionally took out my frustration on Amity.

I yelled at her and we argued, and it broke my heart knowing I did that.

I love her, I really do, and I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep until I made things right.

I got out of bed and went to the living room area and saw Amity asleep and curled up. I felt how cold it had gotten in here and noticed she was shivering slightly.

I picked her up, careful not to wake her, and carried her to our room. I passed the twins' room and saw them sleeping.

I put Amity under the covers and made sure she was comfortable.

I soon fell asleep...

The Legacy: Forever More (Sequel to The Legacy [LOTB Fanfic])Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ