Chapter Fifteen: Remains of a Matriarch

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[A/N] I drew Amity (left) and used that drawing to create her 'Matriarch' look.


Amity/Psyche's POV
I went with CC to check up on Dawn from the cave but once we reached the cave something caught our eyes.

"What is that?" I asked.

"They're probably Shadows, we need to hurry and bring Dawn back with us if we're gonna be able to help defend."

I nodded and we ran to the cave. I quickly moved the stone and we went in.

"Angel! The Wild Ones need you!"

She nodded and unwrapped her bandage wincing a bit.

As we left, I looked at Dawn.

"I forgot to ask yesterday but, your wings...did I do that to you?"

She nodded, "But Mom, it wasn't really you. She did it."

Even with her saying that, I still felt guilty. I used my faint link to Healer and touched her back where her wing snapped.

"You're okay now, I hope."


We got to the Camp and met up with the Wild Ones in front of the Chapel. The Shadows had just arrived and faced us.

Everyone's in the bunkers, Prophet told me.

I bit my lip, anxiously waiting for the Shadows to make the first move but the strangest thing happened.

They drove their staffs into the ground and kneeled.

"What are they doing?" Asked Deviant.

I cautiously walked up to them.

"What do you want?" I asked in a strong but shaky voice.

No response.

I asked a different question, tears welling in my eyes from fear.

"Who do you think I am?"


I faltered, falling into Prophet's arms. The Shadows looked up and became hostile, hissing and charging at us.

Deviant acted quickly and used wind to knock them back.

"Psyche, get outta here, for your own safety," said Mourner.

"No, I'm sure they'll find me. It's safer with you guys anyways."

We fought the Shadows and were winning but I heard a scream behind me.

"Saviour!" Prophet and I yelled.

"I'll get her," he said but was hit by a Shadow.

I ran to Saviour.

Our daughter was held by a Shadow and was being choked with black smoke.

"No!" I yelled, throwing light daggers at it. They pierced the Shadow but didn't kill it.

Did I get weaker since becoming the Matriarch? I thought.

It turned the Shadow's attention towards me but it didn't release Saviour.

"Let. Her. Go!"

I stuck out my hand and made a fist, the Shadow screeched and turned to ash. Saviour fell to the ground and when I went to her, she looked scared.

"What's wrong?"

"Your eyes, they're black."

My blood ran cold for a second. But I helped her up.

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