Chapter Seven: Where We Went Wrong

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I went back to Camp and headed towards Andy's dorm.

When I arrived, I knocked pretty hard.

No answer.

Andy, I'm outside. Are you home?

I heard something behind me. I prepared myself for the worst and went towards the sound.


I turned a corner and saw Andy looking around. He appeared worried to the point he was shaking a bit.

"Prophet," I called.

He jumped. "C-Destroyer?"

I got closer, "What're you doing here? I thought you were at your dorm."

He looked up at me, "Angel's gone. I did something stupid and she left and now I'm worried about where she is but I can't—I can't find her. I made a mistake—it's all because of—"

"DUDE! Calm down. I know where she is, but we need to talk. Just, not out here."

He nodded and led me back to his dorm. We went inside and into his room.

"You know where Dawn is?"

"Yeah, she's someplace special right now. I'm gonna get her in the morning."

He hugged me, "Thank you CC. To be completely honest, I was scared thinking about the possible things that could happen."

"What happened? Why'd she run?"

He sighed, "She found a box of Amity and my things, things that hurt to look at since she died. I yelled at her and didn't mean to, I knew I fucked up the moment I saw her eyes fill with tears."

"Amity would've been the one to run out if she was here, but still, it was wrong to do. Besides, it's almost the twins' birthdays anyways. Don't make them or yourself feel worse then you already feel."

He got up, "You're right. Hopefully Dawn'll forgive me."

I nodded, "Well, it's late so I better get going. We all have things to do in the morning."

"Goodnight CC, and thanks again."

"Night. No problem."

~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~

When I woke up, I went to the cave to get Dawn.

I opened the stone and saw Dawn curled up in her wings.

I wonder if she does that at home, I thought.

I gently shook her, "Dawn. Angel, wake up."

She opened her eyes a bit. "CC?"

"Yeah, let's get you back home. Okay?"

She nodded and sat up, her wings returning into her back.


We walked back and saw Evangeline sitting outside on the Chapel's stairs. She looked up and a smile formed when she saw us.

"Dawn!" She hugged her tightly. "You weren't in our room, and you usually wake me up. I was worried. Where were you?"

"I'm okay though sis. Next time, I'll tell you where I'm going."



[A/N] HAPPY 2018 GUYS!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I was a bit slow on the chapters this time around. A bit of Writer's Block, but I will give you guys something to read. I will finish these fics. Hope you guys have an amazing year!


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