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Enjoy the sequel.

-PW13 (The Psyche)

Andy's POV
After we laid her body to rest, Jinxx opened his palm, fire engulfing it.

The twins began to cry in Ashley's arms.

Everyone bowed their heads.

Tears fell down my cheeks, and I fell to the ground screaming for her to come back.

Jinxx let a drop of fire fall from his hand, and soon enough Amity's body lit up in flames.

And then I lost it all, and who can save me now?

Jake started to sing a song:

"All the graves of the ones remembered,

In a desert we call home

All the slaves of the cold December,

Find a voice to call their own"

CC then began to sing:

"Stand up we are united

In the eyes of the greater storm..."

Then Ash, then Jinxx, then the whole Legion joined in.

"Light up we are united

This world will be reborn..."

Then I joined in:

"In five, four, three, two, one!

This is New Year's Day

(So rise from the ashes)

Faith will find our way

(Like lightning crashes)

We'll keep marching on and on and on

It's New Year's Day!

So rise from the ashes!"

And when the song finished, I spoke up:

"Let us remember this day as the first New Year's Day, a new beginning, a new dawn."

It was then that I realized, we never got the chance to name the girls.

I decided then and there that the older twin would be, Dawn, for she represents a new beginning, for the Legion and I.

And the other? Evangeline, for the Fallen Angel named Eve Black, Amity's guide to her escape from the Sanctuary a few years ago.

We lifted our heads to the sky, to remember the Legacy of the Psyche, our most precious Fallen Angel.

Me? I was remembering my wife, the mother of my--our--baby girls.

Amity Mynver-Biersack,

I will always love you more than I can ever scream...

[End of flashback]

The Legacy: Forever More (Sequel to The Legacy [LOTB Fanfic])Where stories live. Discover now