Epilogue: Warriors of Youth

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[One Year Later]
Amity's POV
"It's been a while," Andy smiled when the door opened.

"Too long, my friend. The rest of you too," the dark-haired man said, looking at Jake, Ashley, CC and Jinxx.

We had traveled to a place, in another part of what used to be known as California, called Guano City. I asked why we had come here, Andy had said 'To see an old friend'.

"What brings you here Andy?" The man asked as he let us into his home.

"What? Can't I come and visit you, Poison? And I've told you before, it's Andy, Gerard."

"Alright then. So, who are these lovely gals you've brought with you all," asked Gerard, gesturing to my family.

"This is Amity, my wife."

"Nice to meet you," I said, shaking his hand.

"These beautiful girls are our twin daughters. Dawn is the eldest, Evangeline is the youngest," He said as Dawn waved and Eve gave a shy smile. He then took the small bundle from my arms.

"And this, is their little brother."

Just then, another man walked into the room.

"Andy?" He asked.

"Mikey, it's good to see ya!"

Andy's POV
"Guys! It's been so long!" Ray came in, followed by Victor.

Gerard made a quick call and soon enough Riley, Andrea, Patrick, Brendon, Jasmine and Frank arrived.

We all reunited in the small room and we noted numerous new faces. The Wild Ones were introduced to the next generation of Killjoys. The two eldest, we learned, belonged to Mikey through adoption. They got along with the twins.

We told each other stories of what had happened after we returned to our part of the desert. However, they got lost when Amity explained her whole situation being the Matriarch and the complexity of her very existence.

We shared the news that F.E.A.R was finally defeated and they shared their accomplishments as the leaders of Guano City.

Later that day, Jasmine, who we learned stepped up to govern the city, called the citizens together, an informal festival taking place.

"Citizens of Guano City, we've waited very long for the day to come when we could truly be free," She announced, "At long last, the world is free from both Better Living Industries and F.E.A.R. Tonight we celebrate our victories, by breaking down the wall that has faithfully protected the new city for years."

And with that, she called up CC, Amity and Evangeline to the stage. As they ascended, I handed Amity their crystals.

"You knew we'd need these, didn't you."

I nodded and watched as they took back their power.

We all stood in awe as the wall built around Battery, which later protected Guano, crumbled as the three transformed it into sand.

Cheering erupted and some cried as we celebrated, pleased that we had finally won.

There were no more wars, our threats were defeated. The Killjoys and Wild Ones, the Warriors of Youth, were finally at peace.

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