bavk at it again sis

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here's how to write like garrance_narwhal , i hope this is accurate sis

ALSO GEN bc i know what you're like, this ain't criticism, just observation and also praise ok

• be very british. have no clue about American culture at all
• angst.
• gay angst
• short one or two word sentences for dramatic effect (fragmenting)
• repetition for dramatic effect
• tears
• similes
• intensive description that seems to go off track a little bit, but it's important to understand the situation sometimes
• soft vibes
• every character has a small similarity in the way they act/speak
• profoundness
• anecdotes that are irrelevant to the actual story, but are entertaining to read
• couples aren't touchy, not really much PDA
• everything described plain and simple. not much hidden meaning

ily gen hope this was accurate lol

also i can try to do it for others or you can do it for me if you want to!!!

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