ill smash ur face right back into the EU

406 12 7

i found a paperclip under my bum
i thought it was a popcorn kernel but apparently not

i have off brand nutella on my fingers from 2 hrs ago im so fat

ok so i keep reading this really good fanfic and like its giving me a lot of ideas so im stealing them all sorry bye

in history we were watching this movie abt british kids in ww2 and this 9 yr old was like 'know any swear words' and the other boy was like 'i know one.... fuck' and everyone flipped their shit and then the first boy was like 'wow thats hardcore repeat after me,,,, bugger off you bloody sod' and if that aint the most british thing ive ever heard

also headcannon that garroth says 'slag' bc tbh imagining him saying that makes me wee a bit in my knickers hAHAHAHAHA

here's my search history btw

i ran out of funny this is all i have

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i ran out of funny this is all i have

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