Chapter 15

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[Reader's POV]

I wince as my back hit the cell wall, the guards slamming the gate closed but not forgetting to lock it.

"You stay here until the Queen decides what your punishment is." One of them griped out.

I stick my tongue out at them making them groan and walk away. This wasn't part of the plan!

I sit back against the cell wall and cross my arms like a toddler who's having a pouty party.

Although this was punishment already, I didn't want to know what the Queen had in mind. I was also worried for Taehyung and the rest of the boys considering they were the ones who snuck me in.

As I sat in the cold cell i hear a door slam and a pair of heels click their way towards me. I cross my fingers in hopes it wasn't the queen.

Fortunately it wasn't but instead it was a girl with long brown hair who has a resting bitch face. This must be Kim, Hoseok's fiancee.

"Who are you?" She asked annoyed. I roll my eyes and put on the same face as her.

"I'm Y/n and you must be Kim judging by the bitchy tone and bratty attitude." I retort making her groan and stomp her foot.

Damn, Hoseok was right. I wouldn't want to marry her either.

"I'll have you know I'm marrying the prince in a few days which means I'll be royalty. So if you dont cut the attitude and sassy remarks I can have you thrown into prison where you'll rot." She argued back.

I roll my eyes and chuckle. "You really think your gonna marry the guy who hates your guts? Please, I spent nearly two weeks with the guy and he gagged everytime someone brought up the wedding. Besides, it won't be long until I'm out of here and crashing that stupid wedding." I laugh but she doesn't seem to find it very funny.

"You're the girl Hoseok has feelings for," My cheeks turn red as she continued. "I'll be sure to let the Queen know of your intentions. I hope you have a shitty life." She glared at me one more time before storming off.

"Oh believe me, I am!" I yell as the door slammed. I laughed at her lame excuse to scare me, I'm really not all that worried.

Although I am curious as to what she meant 'you're the one Hoseok has feelings for' Did he ever mention my name? Did he talk about me? Does he really have feelings for me or is he trying to piss her off?

Who knows of his intentions.


It's been a few hours since I was thrown into this cell and it's honestly become quite homey. Yeah the walls are rotting and the toilet has flys around it but you take what you can get.

It's still better than living with my ex boyfriend.

Now maybe if I could just figure out how to climb on top of the- "Y/n!" Oh thank god, it's Taehyung.

I stand up from my spot on the ground and push myself up againt the bars. "Taehyung!" I yell.

I see Taehyung run around the corner with a key chain full of keys and a smile on his dorky face. "I got the keys and distracted the guards while we escape." He said jingling the keys around in side the cells lock.

"Escape? What about Hoseok? I'm not leaving here without him!" I say as Taehyung opened the cell door for me to come out.

"There's been a change of plans, Hoseok's mother obviously know's you're here now and she'll know you've escaped if we don't leave now. I'll explain in the car but as of right now we gotta go!" He explained grabbing my arm and dragging me out the cellar.

Taehyung and I raced through the palace, dodging a few maids and chefs here and there. Once we get out the front door we book it for the car.

"What about the others?" I ask buckling into the passenger side.

Taehyung opens his mouth to speak but closes it as the doors to the van open and in hops five other boys. "Right there." He said pointing to the back.

"Just drive!" I say rolling my eyes. Taehyung laughs before we speed off.

Don't worry Hoseok, we'll get you out soon. I promise.



Im so tired but im gonna keep going

Thanks for reading!

Runaway Groom| Jung Hoseok x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang