Chapter 10

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[Reader's POV]

"Where were you guys? I thought something happened!" Mae said as soon as we walked through the door.

I chuckle at Mae and hold my hand up. "Don't worry, we're fine. We just went down to the park mom and dad used to take us to." I said making Mae's face fall.

I walk up to Mae and pat her shoulder. "How was work?" I ask, changing the subject. Mae shrugs.

"It was ok, nothing too special," Mae says with a sigh. "I'm going to bed, see you guys tomorrow." Mae waves the both of us off before she turns around and leaves for her room.

"Was she ok?" Hoseok asked.

"She took my parents leaving the hardest so it's a touchy subject." I say. "Come on, let's head to bed." I say smacking his back.

While Hoseok got changed and comfortable downstairs I went upstairs into the guest room. I shut the door and sit down at the edge of my bed.

What have I gotten myself into?


Its been about a week now that Hoseok has been with us and might I say, its been an eventful one.

"Hoseok no!" I yell as he attempted to put waffles in the microwave. I grab them out of his hands and take the waffles off of the plate, putting them into the toaster. "They go in the toaster."

Hoseok's mouth formed an 'o' shape. I sigh and shake my head. He's been doing things like this all week, especially when it comes to food. You could tell he's never done things on his own, all he had to do was ask and he'd get it.

But that's not how the real world works.

"I'm sorry..." He apologizes while rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's okay Hoseok, you didn't know." I smile. Although it is entertaining watching him learn how to do simple things I couldn't help but feel bad for the poor boy. "How about after you eat we go out and explore town, have you ever been to the fair?"

He shook his head. "My parent's never really let me out of the house, they were afraid people would try to do something." He chuckles.

"Well, I'm not your parent and if you feel unsafe we can put you in a bucket hat and mask. Sound good?" I ask with a smile.

Hoseok smiled back at me. "Sounds perfect."

We stare at each other for a bit longer before the sound of the toaster popping up brought us out of it. Hoseok and I chuckle, turning away from each other.

I shake my head a bit and slap my cheeks. "Stop, stop, stop." I whisper to myself in attempt to get the red off of my cheeks.

What the hell was that?

Hoseok sat down at the table with his food and began to eat while I went upstairs to my room to get changed.

As soon as I pulled my pants up the door opened and Mae walked in with a basket of laundry. "Woah, why's your face so red?" She asked.

"IT'S STILL RED?!" I yell with both of my hands on my cheeks.  Mae laughs, nodding her head.

"What happened?" She asked setting the laundry basket on my bed.

"I don't want to talk about it..." I say buttoning up my pants. I grab my hoodie and slip it over my head.

Mae sighs. "Is this about Hoseok?" She asked. My cheeks turn a daker shade of red making her gasp. "IT IS! YOU HAVE FEELINGS FOR PRETTY BOY!" She yelled.

"I DO NOT!" I argue. Mae laughs and claps her hands together like a toddler. "MAE STOP! I DON'T!" I laugh.

"Well if you don't now you will soon! Come on Y/n, don't doubt yourself." She said.

"Mae I've only been around him for a week, it's gonna take a lot more time for me to really see if I have feelings for him." I say turning my attention towards the door where Hoseok now stood in another pair of lighter ripped jeans and a t-shirt.

"Ready?" He asked with a smile. I gulp and look over at Mae.

"You sure you need any more time?" She asked with a smirk. You know what Mae, you're right.

I might have feelings for pretty boy.



Ya ya i know its fast but i gotta get this goin cause im ending this book at 20 maybe? Idk we'll see

Thanks for reading!

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