Chapter 7

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[Reader's POV]

I drag my drowsy body into the house with Hoseok close behind me, the same tired look on his face.

Mae comes running down the staircase in her bathrobe, obviously newly woken up due to the noise. "You guys are home late..." She groans.

I shrug. "Pretty boy over here couldn't make up his mind," I yawn. "Hoseok you can crash on the couch, if you need me I'll be up in the guest room."

I wave goodnight before trotting up the stairs with Mae behind me. "So, how was it?" She whispered as we walked up the stairs.

"How was what? Shopping with someone who expects the most out of something all the time? It sucked, thanks for asking." I retort while opening the bedroom door.

Mae walks in with me and plops down onto the bed. "Well, he is a prince, you have to give him some credit. Remember, he's never lived like this."

I unzip my suitcase and gather some clothes to sleep in. "I know, but it's like he constantly has a stick up his ass about what he looks like. I'm not some millionaire like he is." I say now facing my sister.

Mae shrugs her shoulders. "I guess you're gonna have to go with it for now. Do you know how long he's staying?" She asked and I shook my head.

"Nope, I do know we're going out on Saturday though." I say causing Mae to raise her eyebrows.

"As in..a date?"

"No, as a friendly outing between two new friends is how he worded it. I told him I'd think about it so, why not?" I say shrugging.

Mae just laughs. "Whatever you say little sister," She said standing up. "I'm going to bed, I'll see you tomorrow."

I nod my head and hug Mae before she walked out, leaving me alone. I change out of my old clothes and change into new ones, climbing into bed and falling asleep almost instantly.


"Y/n!" I hear from outside my door. I groan and roll over a few times before I hear them call my name again.

"What!" I yell but they go quiet. "Oh for fucks sake." I curse and throw the covers off of me.

When I open my door and look at the bottom of the stairs I see Hoseok with a smile on his face. "Come on grumpy pants, your sister made breakfast." He said, walking away.

I rub my eyes a bit before trotting down the stairs and into the kitchen where my sister stood in front of the stove, Hoseok sitting at the dining table with a plate of food in front of him.

"Morning, take a seat." Mae smiles, gesturing to the table. She set a plate of food in front of me the moment I sat down, then taking a seat next to me. "So, what's your plan for today."

I shrug. "Don't know yet, I think Ryan is out for the day so I might go back and get the rest of my things." I say chewing my food.

"Are you going to take Hoseok?" Mae asks. I look up at Hoseok who had a mouth full of food and a confused look.

"If he wants to go, sure." I say.

Mae pats my back sympathetically as she stood up, most likely leaving for her room to change.

After finishing my food I grab mine and Hoseok's plate, putting them into the sink. "Where am I going with you?" He asked.

"You don't have to go, you can stay here if you want but I'm going to my ex's place to gather the rest of my things." I say turning around to face him with my arms rested on the sink.

"Do you have a lot to get?" He asked, obviously very curious.

"Kind of, I only gathered what I needed and don't just want to leave it in his possession." Hoseok nods his head in understanding.

"How long had you guys been together know..." He asked looking down at his hands.

I sigh. "Four years. In the beginning it was nice, joyful but the moment we decided to move in together was when everything went downhill." I explain. Hoseok opens his mouth to speak but I hold my hand up to stop him. "I know you're gonna apologize but don't, please. It's ok, I'm ok now." I smile.

Hoseok smiles back at me. "You have a nice smile, you should smile more often." He says making my cheeks turn pink.

"T-thanks." I stutter before clearing my throat. "Anyway, I'm going to go get dressed so we can go, I recommend you do the same."

Hoseok nods before leaving to change, as I do the same.


"That should be all." I wipe my hands on my jacket to clear whatever dirt had gotten on them.

Hoseok nodded his head and  grabbed the keys from my hand. "I'll drive," He says. I stare at him warily making him sigh. "I'll be careful, don't worry." He chuckled.

"I'm only letting you do this because I'm tired." I say closing the trunk to my car and climbing into the passenger side.

When we pull into my sisters house I notice another car in the driveway...a rather expensive one at that.

"Hoseok..." I say looking over at him. When I look over at him I notice his expression had become blank. "Do you-"

"Let's go inside." He said climbing out of the car.

"Hoseok!" I yell as I run after the boy. "Hoseok slow down!" I say as he opened the door and stopping in the entrance way. "Why'd you-"

"Hoseok! There you are!" Said one of the six boys who were now in my sisters living room.

"What the fuck?"



Sorry there are so many time skips but i had to in order to put this in skkss

Im also writing this during class but whatever

Thanks for reading!

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