Chapter 3 - A Report

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For the guys chapters from now on, I'm going to make them A Reports. They will be a mix of the guys perspectives, and they'll probably be shorter than Sang's chapters.

"Mr. Coleman, we will try to get them back, but we need to stop the immediate problem first." Mr. Blackborne waits till Gabriel sits before continuing. "Mr. Korba, Mr. Griffin, Mr. Lee, and Mr. North Taylor will start by investigating the outer villages along the border of the kingdom." He looks at each of us as he says our names, making sure we are paying attention.

We all nod, and say the familiar phrase, "I'm willing, and I'll obey."

"Good, Mr. Lucian Taylor and Mr. Coleman, I want you to talk to all the friends you've made in the bigger villages. We need to know more about what is happening behind the scenes. Maybe you can find something. Mr. Taylor, if either of you see anything suspicious, you may investigate further. Don't get caught." Mr. B pins him with a glare until he nods in understanding.

Luke pumps his fist in the air. "Yeah! I get to be a ninja!" He does a happy dance. North glares at his brother, concerned he might be insane. Luke falls off his chair mid happy dance. He looks stunned for a moment, but continues to wiggle around on the ground like a fish out of water. North reaches down and chops his head. Luke let's out a yelp and jumps back in his chair, and looks around like he didn't just make a fool of himself.

Everyone stares at him for a full minute before we get back on topic. "Dr. Green will stay here with Mr. Morgan and I. We will be speaking to one of the ladies who was abducted. She escaped from the people who bought her, and informed us of this situation. If you have any questions now is the time to ask."

Everyone stays quiet, wanting to get out of there, and get started. Soon we're all on our horses heading to different corners of the kingdom.

Update: Edited

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