"Oh I didnt know we had a couple on the tour" Ms Smith smiled. 

"we dont" My eyes turned to Jayne who was stood with her arms crossed. her lips where thin and pressed together, her eyes burning a bright blue fire. It felt like all of my biocompnents were going to fall out of me. Jayne raised her eyebrow at me. 

It was at this point i knew, I had fucked up. 


The tour moved swiftly on I tried to attract Jayne attention but she was point blank ignoring me. I wanted to explain myself, fuck why had I been so stupid. so impulsive. so human. 

there was a million other excuses we could have used, but I, I panicked. Amelia knew something about Zeltaid, could that be why she was snooping around? to find evidence like us? she was at the front of the tour talking to a irritated looking Ms Smith. she looked back at me and gave my a sly smile. I swallowed hard and looked away turning my attention back to Jayne, who was burning deep holes into the back of Amelia head.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          " do you wanna exsplain to me what the fuck is wrong with you?" Hank pulled me to the back of the tour going silent as the rest of the tour seeped away into the refreshments lounge.  

"I caught Amelia trying to brake into a room. I think she had some information on Zeltaid"

"so you kissed her?" 

"No, I didn't want to, but the tour was coming back and she said to kiss her so it wouldnt look suspicious.I panicked ok?!" A ran my hand through my hair messing it up slightly. 

"what information does she have?" 

" I dont know, we were, interrupted" I nervously fixed my tie. Hank eye balled me for a second before heading into the lounge. 

"Come on" he called back to me "before you panic and start making out with me" Hank rolled his eyes heading into the lounge which was dimly lit and a soft dance music was playing.  I catch up to Hank and scan the room for Jayne, It doesnt take long to find her. I spot her by the drinks table she is looking intently at something before making a quick bee line for it. I follow her gaze. 



I turned Hank was already makign his way to the bar. I dashed pushing way through the crowd to get to Jayne. She cant let her anger get the better of her, she is stronger now, since Cole. she doesn't know what her body is capable of. she could kill her. 

"What the fuck are you doing?!" O heard Jayne say loudly over the music. 

"Oh hey, its you from outside" 

"Stay the fuck away. do you understand me?" Jayne hissed, getting close to Amelias face Amelias eyes widdened filling with shock and confusion. I joined them placing my hand on Jaynes shoulder. 

"Jayne-" I began but she raised her hand to stop me talking. 

"Mate what the hell is going on?" Amelia asked me, this time it was my turn to stop her talking. 

"what infomation do you have on Zeltaid" I said quickly, causing Jayne to look at me. 

"Zeltaid" she said quietly, a normal human wouldn't have heard her over the loud music. But i did.

Connor X OC- Become humanOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant