Chapter 13

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*Ivy's P.O.V*

Ashron drove to the adress that everyone has been given and parked outside a huge house. You could here the loud music coming from inside. I undone my seat belt and got out of the car looking around. I'd say that the whole school is here. There were that many people. 

I walked up to Ashton and he took my hand, squeezing it tightly. 

I think he's a bit nervous. I mean it is my first party and i haven't told my parents anything. If i did tell them i wouldn't be here. And it sucks not being able to party at my age. 

We made our way up to the door. Klara came running from behind us. She opened the door and ran off to random people. 

As we entered the house Ashton's grip got even tigheter. 

"You okay?", he asked me loudly through the music. 

I smiled and nodded. 

I walked into the living room where everyone was dancing. This place is huge. I don't even know who lives here but oh well. I looked around at everything in excitement. 

"Do you want anything to drink?", Ashton asked me. 

"Yes please!", i shouted with a big grin. 

He nodded and went to get some drinks. I just stood there looking around at everything. I looked at the people, thinking if i knew any of them, but then my eyes widened as i saw Luke. 

He was sitting on the sofa, with girls all around him. 

I rolled my eyes. He's such a jerk. 

Then sure enough he noticed me and his mouth dropped slightly. I smirked to my self. I'm not going to lie, i do look pretty damn good in this dress. 

Ashton came back with the drinks and handed one to me. 

"Here you go", he said. 

I took the cup and took a sip. I coughed slightly as it burned my throat. 

Ashton chuckled. "Come on let's dance", he said reaching out his hand. 

"Wait", i said pointing my finger. I chugged down the whole drink at once. 

"Woah", said Ashton. 

I smirked and dragged him to where all the people where dancing. We started dancing to the beat. The song changed and it was more edgy. 

Our dancing went from being normal to being dirty in seconds. 

Ashton came closer to me. I wrapped my hands around his neck and he placed his hands on my bum. He smirked as he done so. He soon started grinding his hips against me and i done the same. Our breathing would speed up by each second. We were quite heated up. Ashton spun me around and then looked into my eyes, he leaned in as kissed me seductively. I kissed him back immediately as my hands trailed up to his hair. He came even closer so now there was no space between us. 

We started making out. I didn't care if people were looking. It's my time to have some fun. 

*Luke's P.O.V*

I was sitting on the sofa surrounded just by girls. They were talking to me but i wasn't even paying any attention to them because all my attention was on Ivy. 

Damn she looked hot. 

What is she even doing here!? She's not a party type of girl.. Unless i missed out on something. 

I watched as she danced with Ashton. She's pretty good. But it is quite disturbing looking at them make out. I couldn't take it anymore. So being the jerk i am i went up to them. 

"Heeeey!", i said as i put my hand on Ashton's shoulder. 

The two of them pulled away breathless. 

"Having fun?", i asked while taking a sip of my drink. 

"Hey", said Ashton catching his breath. 

He turned to face Ivy. "I'll go and get us more drinks okay?"

She nodded and he left. 

I stood in front of her and smirked. 

She rolled her eyes. 

"What do you want?", she said, while folding her arms. 

I shurgged. "Just some fun."

She laughed sarcastically. "Go over to your friends, i'm sure they'll give you some 'fun'", she said pointing at the girls on the couch. 

"Naah they're no good", i said while drinking. 

"Too bad", said Ivy. 

And just then Ashton came back. Ivy took the drink and drank it all at once. 

"Come on Ashton", she said while taking his hand and giving me a glare. 


I won't stop until i get what i want. 

*Ivy's P.O.V*

As the time went by i drank more drinks. Ashton and i just finished dancing. It's amazing. I walked up to the table where all the drinks and snacks were. 

"Maybe you shouldn't drink anymore, you've already had a lot", said Ashton. 

I chuckled and still took the drink anyway. 

Ashton looked worried but i just smiled. 

This party is awesome! I can't still can't believe that i'm here. 

I finished my drink and crashed my lips onto Ashton's. He kissed me back and wrapped his hands around my waist. I was feeling a bit dizzy but i didn't let that bother me. I was having a great time, and why ruin it.

I pulled away from the kiss. "I've go to go to the bathroom", i said. 

"Are you alright?", Ashton asked. 

I nodded and went around looking for the bathroom. I walked up the stairs and there i saw Luke flirting with some girls. I rolled my eyes and he smirked at me. 

Seriously can you not?!

I soon enough found the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I looked at my self in the mirror. My hands were shaking for some reason. I splashed some cold water onto my face which made me feel better. I then walked out of the bathroom and Luke was outside waiting for me i guess. 

"Hello again", he said. 

I lost my balance for a minute. It felt like everything was moving. I took a deep breath. Luke came over to me. 

"Ivy are you okay?", he asked worried while taking hold of my hand. 

I looked up into his eyes. "You're so beautiful" , i said. 

Luke chuckled. "Alright how many drinks did you have", he said while leading me to some random room. 

"A few", i said cheekily. 

"More then a few i think", said Luke as he closed the door behind him. 

I didn't know what was going on but i went with it. I just stood there in the middle of the room, looking at him. He looked at me and came closer. 

"So you think i'm beautiful, huh?" , he said with a smirk. 

"Even more than that", i said while giggling. 

"Yeah Ivy you're drunk", he laughed. 

"No i'm nooot!", i said while poking him in the chest. 

"Normally you'd hit me or roll your eyes or give a sarcastic comment", he said looking into my eyes. 

I looked back into his. 

None of us where saying anything. 

After a while i spoke. 

"Kiss me", i said still looking into his eyes.

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