Chapter 3

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*Ivy's P.O.V*

I woke up to the sun shinging into my eyes. I sat up and streched my arms. I reached over to my bedside table and picked up my phone. It was 9.30. Thank god that school starts at 12 o' clock today. I rubbed my eyes and got out of bed. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. God i look awful, I don't get why people call it beauty sleep, when you end up waking up like a troll. 

I went over to my desk and turned on my laptop. I logged onto facebook and straight away got a message from my best friend Klara. 

'Heeeeeeeeey how's my bestie todayy? x' 

I laughed as i read the message. 

'Hahah, i'm good thanks, and yourself? :P' i replied. 

'Alright could be better though *sigh*'

I raised my eyebrows as i read her message. 

'What's up?' 

'Ugh my mom making me clean the whole house, and if i won't do that i won't get to go out for the disco -.-'

I laughed again.

'Hahahah well thats a huge problem! :O lol g2g ttyl love yaa x'

'Love ya 2 x'

I logged out of facebook, just simply because i didn't feel like talking to Klara at the moment. Yes i know you may think i'm a bad friend, but sometimes she does get on my nerves. We're completely different, she goes out on parties and everything and me being the nerd that i am i have to study on the weekends. Yeah i know, i hate it but tell it to my parents. Ugh sometimes i just wish i could sneek out through my window and go to my first disco, but then again at the same time i don't.

I walked up to my wardrobe and took out a pair of sweats, a t-shirt and a hoodie. I'm not bothered dressing up really. I tied my hair into a messy bun and there perfect outfit at the moment. Of course i'm gonna have to change for school though. I sighed and looked around my room, god i'm so bored. I picked up a random book and began to read. 

*Ashton's P.O.V*

I slowly opened my eyes. I noticed that i was sleeping outside. I sat up. Oh god have i been drinking? I don't even know, but what  i do know is that  i stayed at Michael's for the whole night. I got up and looked around the garden. Calum was sleeping in the chair and Michael was probably in his room. I slowly and quietly made my way out of the garden. There i saw Luke about to walk into the house.

He laughed. "Well i see you partied last night", he said looking at me. 

Did i look that bad? Oh god. I nodded my head a small bit. 

"Where's Michael?", he asked. 

"Up stairs i think", i said. 

"And Calum?"


"Alright well, if they need us they'll find us. Now come on", said Luke walking away from the house.

"Where are we going?", i asked.

"Over to my place", said Luke while spitting at the ground. 

When we got to Luke's house i looked over the street and Ivy's window, she can't see me like this. I'm a mess. Luke walked into his house and i walked inside after him. 

"Are your parents not here?", i asked looking around. 

"They're gone for a few weeks", said Luke while shrugging. 

I nodded. 

"Here", said Luke handing me a blue flannel shirt. 

I looked at the shirt and then at Luke. 

"You look horrible now go and put that on, the bathroom is on the right."

I walked into the bathroom and turned the light switch on. I looked in the mirror and yes i did look horrible. I washed my face, tossed my hair a bit and then i put the shirt on. I looked way better. But why was he doing this? I'm sitll mad at him after yesterday, don't particaulary like him but i have to get on with him, the band is a big chance for me and i don't want to ruin it. I walked out of the bathroom and back into the sitting room. Luke was sitting on the couch smoking, his feet up on the table.

"Want one?", he asked. 

I shook my head. 

"You sure?"

I nodded. "Yeah thanks"

"So you and Ivy are going out then i'm assuming?", he said while raising an eyebrow, 

I nodded again. 

"Cool", he said as he stood up. "Well i have to go to school now", he said with a sigh. 

"Yeah i have to go too, except mine starts in an hour", i said. 

Luke nodded and we left the house. 

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