Chapter 5

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*Ivy's P.O.V*

I had a great laugh with the boys over lunch time, but the bell rang and so we had to go back to class. This time it was Geography. I walked back into class with the boys. We all separated when we walked into the class room as we all sit away from each other. I sit in the second row. Luke is in the far back, Calum is in the first row, and Michael is somewhere in between. 

Mr. Evans walked into the room. 

"Hello class", he said looking around the room. 

"Uhm Luke i want you out of there", said Mr.Evans looking at Luke. 

I turned my head to look back at him, he wasn't even doing anything. 

"But why sir?", asked Luke. 

"Do as i say", said Mr. Evans. "I now want you sitting beside Ivy."

My eyes widened. "Sir please, why does he have to sit beside me!?", i questioned. 

Why is suddenly every teacher putting me with Luke. Ugh this is so annoying. 

"Yeah sir why!? We hate each other, this won't go well at all!", said Luke protesting not to move seats. 

"Non sens", said Mr. Evans. "Come on, pick up your bag and books and sit beside Ivy."

"But mister!", i said,  but he cut me off. 

"Ivy, i'm sure you and Luke will get on well just fine", he said with a smile.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. Just then Luke came over, pulled out the chair and sat beside me. 

"Hello partner", he said. 

"Ugh, just shut up", i said, moving my stuff aside. 

"Well someones grumpy", said Luke. 

I glared at him. 

"Alright, alright, sorry"

"Ahem", said Mr. Evans while clearing his throat. "Are you two done your little discussion?" 

I could feel my cheeks turning red. I looked down at my books. 

"Great, now as i was saying ....", Mr. Evans voice just trailed off i wasn't bothered listening. 

I could hear that Luke snickered. "Good girl got in trouble", he teased. 

"Don't make me hit you", i said quietly. 

"Woah calm down", he said sarcastically. 

I just rolled my eyes and got on with my work. 

*Luke's P.O.V*

To be honest i've no idea why Mr. Evans moved me to sit beside Ivy. I didn't do anything, but if he wants me to sit there i have to. I like teasing Ivy, it's quite entertaining actually. I start then she says something and then it keeps going. I think that makes us hate each other more but oh well. She's quite cute when she gets mad. Hahah. Oh my lord, did i just say that. Luke forget it. 

She was writing normally toatally calm, but then to get some entertainment and being the jerk i am i pushed her hand. 

"Luke you idiot!", she said somehow quietly, as she hit my arm. 

I chuckled. "Had to be done, sorry."

"Oh really? Had to be done? Well then in that case..", she took her pen and scribbled on my notes.

"Ooops, had to be done", she said with a smirk, 

"Are you mad, those are my notes!", i yelled at her. 

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