Chapter 11

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*Ivy's P.O.V*

I walked through the corridor holding my books in my hands. Luke hasn't showed up for the whole Geography class. It's a bit strange i mean i know that he's known as being 'The Bad Boy' but it's still strange. All thoughts began to rush through my mind. What if something happened to him? Something bad. 

I shook my head off the thought. I got to my locker and put my books back.

I looked aound and notcied Calum. He motined me to come over. So i did.

"Wanna sit with us?", he asked.

"Uhm well..-"

"Great. Come on then", he said while taking me by the hand. 

"Calum but Luke.. I don't want to talk to him", i said walking behind. 

"Then don't", he said with a smirk. 

I rolled my eyes. 

Calum and i walked outside and made our way over to the table where they normally sit. Michael was the only one there. 

"Hey", i said taking a seat beside him. 

"Hi", he said. 

Calum sat across from me. 

"Where's Luke?", i asked Michael, while looking around. 

Michael shurgged. 

And just then i saw Luke making out with some slut. I quickly turned my head while rolling my eyes.

Calum chuckled. "Some one jealous?", he teased while raising an eyebrow. 

I gave him a glare. 

"Why would she be jealous?", asked Michael. 

"Oh.. It.. Doesn't matter", i said quickly.

Thankfully Michael didn't ask questons. 

"Who is she anyway?", i said while looking over at them still making out. 

Calum sighed. "She's his girlfriend", he said looking at me sympathetically? 

At first when he said girlfriend my eyes widened, but then i remembered that's it's none of my business. Luke's no one to me, and neither am i to him, so he can kiss whoever he wants. 

"Oh", i said simply. 

Calum bit his lip awkwardly. 

I stood up clearing my throat. "Well i have to go", i said my voice almost cracking. 

"Ivy..", Calum trailed off.

I shook my head. "I shouldn't have come in the first place." 

I turned around and walked away quickly. The tears already streaming down my face. I walked into the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I rested my back against the door and took a deep breath while looking up at the ceiling. 

Stop crying Ivy. He's not worth it. He's no one. Stop. 

*Luke's P.O.V*

Allison and i walked over to the table where Calum and Michael were sittig. 

I took a seat beside Michael. 

"Hey", he said. 

I nodded my head.

"Ivy was here", said Calum. 

"Really!?", i said my eyes widening.

"Yeah, but she left", he said.

"Why? Why didn't she wait", i asked.

Calum sighed. "Because she saw you and.." he nodded his head slightly towards Allison who wasn't even paying attention. 

My mouth slightly opened. 


"Where is she now?", i asked while standing up. 

Calum shurgged. 

I huffed and began to walk away. 

"Where are you going Lukey?!?", shouted Allison. 

I waved my hand and continued to walk. 

Truth is i was pissed. At Ivy. 

Why does she always complicate things!? Ugh. 

I walked through the school corridors thinking where she might be, then i remembered the last time i screwed up she ran off to the bathroom. I qucikly changed the direction that i was going in and turned the corner. I got to the bathroom placing my hand on the door knob. Locked. 

I sighed. 

"Ivy! Open up, i kow you're in there!", i said while banging my hand on the door. 

No answer. 

I banged on the door even louder, so the people that were around looked at me like i was some weirdo, but i didn't care. 

"Ivy!!", i almost shouted. 

Suddenly the door opened. 

She was facing me. 

"Look i'm..", i began.

"Just save it, okay?", she said as she walked passed me.

I sighed and stood in the middle of the corridor. 

"Ivy don't do this", i said. 

But she kept on walking. 

And then i knew that i lost her. 

*Ashton's P.O.V*

I was waiting outside Ivy's school as always, picking her up. But today i came on my motor bike. I looked around and saw her running in my direction. I got off the motor bike and stretched out my arms she ran into them. I picked her up and spun her around. She chuckled. 

"Hey baby", i said as i placed her back down on the ground. 

"Hi", she said with a smile, looking into my eyes. 

I kissed her lips. 

"How was school?", i asked. 

She rolled her eyes. "Please don't ask", she said, as she wrapped her arms around my waist. 

"Something wrong?", i said as i looked down at her. 

She shook her head. "No", she said while taking a pause. "It's just that i'm sick of school now, sick of being the good girl everyone knows me as. I'm sick of being a nerd."

"Don't say that babe. You're a beautiful nerd", i said with a smile. 

She looked at me and smiled. 

I kissed her forehead. 

"Hey uhm, do you have any plans tonight?", she asked. 

"No why?", i questioned raising an eyebrow. 

She just smiled cheekily. 

"Ivy.. What's going on?"

She gave me the biggest smile and i laughed. 

"Can we please go to that party, everyone's talking about it, pleaseee", she begged. 

I laughed. "Alright we're going to the party then", i said. 

"Yay!", she said and hugged me tightly. 

I laughed and handed her the helmet. 

"But what about your parents?", i asked.

"Don't worry, everything's gonna be fine", she assured me. 

"Well if you say so, come on, let's go then", i said and we both got on the motor bike. 

I put on my helmet and started the engine. Ivy wrapped her arms around my chest and i drove off. This night is going to be interesting. 

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