Chapter 1

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I sat at the back of the class day dreaming. Mrs. Thompson was writing something on the board and i wasn't even bothered to pay any attention. I don't know why though, normally i pay attention and listen to every teacher and take down the notes. You could call me a teachers pet. 

"IVY!", called out Mrs. Thompson, which made me come back to earth. 

I shook my head and looked at her. She raised her eye brows. I looked around the whole class room, everyone was staring at me. I gulped. 

"Ivy do you have any idea what i have just said there?", she asked looking at me quite angerly. 

I shook my head. This was like the first time that i have been in trouble with a teacher. I know what you're thinking.

'God she's so lame' .. I agree with you, yes i'm lame, but i want to get on well in school, just so i can get a good job. My parents are really strict, they won't let me go anywhere and i'm 17 almost an adult. They always want me to get good grades in tests and everything, and i had no say in it. Always do want your parents want you to do.

"Stay behind class i want to have a word with you Ivy", said Mrs. Thompson. 

I nodded my head. From the corner of my eye i could see Luke staring at me. 

Luke Hemmings. Everyone calls him 'The Bad Boy'. I know him because quite frankly we live in the same area, my parents are some sort of friends with his parents, can you believe that? I also know his 'buddies' Michael and Calum. I have spoken to Calum a few times as we're in the same Math class, we get put together sometimes to do a project or something, so we have to talk. He's not that bad actually, really funny to tell you the truth. Rumours are going around the school that they're starting a band or something.. Not my business but seriously a band? 

I looked back at Luke. He leanded back in his chair folded his arms and smirked at me. I raised my eye brow. He smirked again.

What's going on? 

I just looked away from him. There was only a few minutes of this class left. Thank god! I never really liked History, what's the point? They're all dead anyway. I sighed slightly and looked to my left. Luke again still staring at me. 

"What's your problem?", i mouthed. 

He shrugged with a smirk. 

Okay.. I looked away again. It's really weird. He like never showed any attention towards me. 

*Bell rings*

Finally i thought. I grabbed all my books and shoved them into my bag. Then i carried my bag on one shoulder and walked up to Mrs. Thompsons desk. She was cleaning the board. I could see that Luke, Calum and Michael were waiting outside the class room. No. Please. Don't. Tell. Me. They're. Gonna. Talk. To. Me. Ughh.

"Now Ivy.. What happened? You're always so good and today, it's like you were somewhere else."

I was far away from you. 

I smiled sligtly. " I know Mrs. Thompson i'm really sorry, i promise it won't happen again."

She sighed and smiled back. "Alright, alright, have a nice day."

I walked out of the class room. Luke, Calum and Michael were leaning against the lockers. I just walked passed them as quickly as i could. 

"What's the hurry?", called out Luke. 

I got to my locker and turned to look at him. "None of your business", i said as i opened my locker and placed the books inside. I grabbed my jacket and closed the locker. 

"Oh look, she learned how to talk back", said Luke walking towards me. 

I rolled my eyes and turned around begining to walk away. I walked out of the school gates. I looked around seeing my boyfriend Ashton leaning against the tree i smiled and quickly ran over to him. Ashton and i have been daiting for a whole year now. I met him  once when i was in a music shop, we kept on seeing eachother there, and he finally plucked up the courage to ask me out on a date, and of course i said yes and that's how it all started.

"There's my babe! I missed you", said Ashton as i hugged him tightly. 

"I missed you too", i said and pulled away from him. He took my hand and entwined our fingers together. I smiled. We began to walk back home, talking about our day.

*Luke's P.O.V*

Calum, Michael and I walked out of the school. 

"Where did she go?", i asked looking around. 

"She's over there", said Calum pointing. 

I looked over and saw her with a guy holding hands. I'm assuming that's her boyfirend. I rolled my eyes and scoffed. 

"What's wrong?", asked Michael. 

"Nothing", i said as i began to walk, my hands in my pockets. 

"You coming for practice tonight? We need to find a drummer", yelled Mike. 

I raised my hand as in saying yes and continued to walk. Ivy, she's the most nerdy girl i know. Good grades and everything, never gets in trouble, except today. I watched her for a few days now, i really need help with History, i'm failing and i think she can help me. If i fail my parents won't let me be in the band. So i thought... If i can get her to like me, maybe even have a crush on me, then she'll help me. I don't care if she has a boyfriend, i'll still do whatever it takes. 

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