Your Ex Was Abusive(Harry Styles)

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These are the first things you see when you open your eyes and you sigh because you know that he's been waiting for an explanation. You'd spent the night at his, you'd been planning it. He wined and dined you last night and even sang you your favorite love song. It wasn't like he was expecting sex..because he's not that kind of know he had been hoping for it.

It wouldn't even have been that big of a deal if you hadn't ended up, trembling and sobbing in his arms the moment he tried to undo your dress. But you did..and so now you had to explain.

"Goodmorning, love," he says, a soft smile playing on his lips, but curiosity lingering in his eyes.

"Goodmorning harry, " you reply, kissing him back when he leans in and presses his lips to yours.

"Please tell me what happened last night, " he says, his voice soft and gathered, almost like he's weighing the words to make sure he's not being too aggressive or nosy.

You sigh and nod, figuring now's a good a time as any. You begin telling him about your ex, the way he touched you, the way he grabbed you..the way he..forced you.

He stops you before you can finish, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into his arms.

"I'm so sorry," he states, his words kind of muffled because he mouth is pressed into the top of your head.

You nod, not knowing what else to say. The silence feeling sufficient for the time being.

"I'd never.." he says softly after a bit, "Y/N..i'd me. I love you..I'd wait forever for you."

You nod, kind of shocked at the effect his words have on you. You're're actually ready, but only because you're sure harry is nothing like your ex...he loves you.

"I'm ready, Harry," you mumble, looking up at him and blushing softly.

"...are you sure?" he questions, looking back down at you.

"I'm sure," you state, leaning into him and pressing your lips passionately to his. He catches on after a bit, eagerly rolling ontop of you and pressing running his hands along your body, exploring it.

You close your eyes and wait for him to undo your clothes, kind of scared to touch him, incase you do the wrong thing. You take a breath as he presses his dick against your center, asking you about 1000 times if you're sure and you answer the same way each time.

"I'm sure."

You whimper as he slides into you, trying to figure out how to feel about this whole thinks. Your mind is telling you to be scared..he's taking advantage of you..isn't he?

But he's not.

He's still the loving, tender Harry that you've always know. You love him and he loves you and this is what people do to show each other how much they love one another.

You start moaning when you've gotten used to the feeling, moving your hips up to him as he thrusts, looking up into his eyes, the ones that are piercing down into yours.

You only remove your gaze from his once, when you shut your eyes in pleasure, moaning his name as you cum.

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