Little White Lies (Part 2)

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Little White Lies

"A-Ashton, It's not what it looks like." You stuttered, covering yourself with the blanket that had fallen on the floor and pulling your shirt back on. You raked through your brain, trying to come up with any practical reason as to what was going on as Liam moved to lie next to with and evil, greedy, smirk on his face.

What seemed like minutes later, though it was probably only seconds, Ashton still hadn't moved from his spot leaning against the door way, his eyes scanning everything in front of him and you noticed that his eyes were glassy, almost as if he was about to burst into tears at any moment. He sucked in a deep breath, praying for nothing more then this to be some sort of awful nightmare but he soon realized that he wouldn't be that lucky.

"Actually," Liam chimed in. "It's exactly what it looks like and, if you wouldn't have interrupted us, it would have become a lot more."

"Liam," You growled, your body filling with anger towards him; Liam came here, you didn't invite him here and you didn't want this to happen. "I think it'd best if you left. I don't want you here."

"That's not what you were saying to me before he over there came in."

Your eyes flashed back to Ashton, only to notice that there were actually tears falling freely down his face, not even caring that Liam was in the room to see him like this.

"Get out, now." Ashton finally said, sniffling slightly so that he could talk normally. "Obviously, neither of us what you here so I suggest that you leave here now or I'll make you leave."

Liam laughed tauntingly, leaning down to whisper in your ear, "Next time he leaves, make sure you call me. I'll be over in a heartbeat."

"There won't be a next time, Liam. I didn't even want this to happen." You roughly pushed him away and he sent a glare to Ashton as he roughly pushed past him.

The room was filled with silence as soon as Liam left. Neither you nor Ashton daring to interrupt it. Finally, Ashton came to sit down next to you, leaving a large amount of space between you two that seemed to break your heart.

"Why'd you do it, Y/n?" He mumbled, looking at the ground rather then you.

"I didn't tell him to come here." You defended, reaching your hand out to stroke his arm comfortingly though he quickly moved away from your touch. "H-He came on his own and he tried to start something but I didn't want anything to happen."

"Then tell me the truth now." You nodded. "Has that happened before? Was everything he told me that night true?" You nodded brokenheartedly.

Finally, Ashton looked up and his eyes met yours. You noticed how red and puffy they were from crying. If it was even possible, your heart seemed to break even more knowing that you were the one who caused this, you were the one who managed to break his heart though all he has ever done was love, protect and cherish you but you broke him.

"Aston, I'm sorry. I-I know that nothing I say will probably make this feel better but I need you to know that I didn't invite him here tonight. I decided that what Liam and I had-though the only thing we really had was physical. What we have is mental. Ashton, I love you with my heart and I know I may have already ruined our relationship but I want you to know that I'll always regret that." You paused to grip onto his hand, which, surprisingly, he allowed you to do. "I really hope that we can get past this but, I understand if you can't..."

"We-We can try." Aston sighed, squeezing your hand tightly in his. "But it'll take a lot of work to fix this."

"We can do it." You pleaded, praying that he would agree.

Ashton nodded and leaned forward, pressing his forehead against yours and brushing a stray hair behind your ear. "I hope we can..."

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